Welcome To Zelo Street!

This is a blog of liberal stance and independent mind

Monday 10 November 2014

UK Blog Awards 2015

[Update at end of post]

Zelo Street has been entered in the UK Blog Awards 2015, in two categories. So there are two entries on the list of blogs, and so you can vote in either category – or both.
If you’ve enjoyed reading what this blog provides over the past year, a vote would be much appreciated. Two votes would be appreciated even more. Hint. Cough.

All you need to do is to follow the instructions; if you’ve voted successfully, there will be a confirmation email winging its way to you. Hopefully.

Don’t forget – Zelo Street is, as you’d expect, at the end of the blog list. You only need to scroll down and forget the rest, says Ron Hopeful.

The UK Blog Awards logo should be visible at top right, and should click through to the site. Many thanks for reading, and hopefully, voting. For me. Hint.

[UPDATE 12 November 1210 hours: there has been a response problem with the voting system, but this should now be fixed. Please let me know if you're still experiencing problems]


AndyC said...

I hope they sort out their web site before too many people give up and dont vote. Confusing, dreadfully slow and all the entrants seem to be listed twice. Amateurville. I didn't give up btw.
Dont forget folks, vote early and vote often as I believe they used to say in NI.

Tim Fenton said...

Quite a lot of the entries are in two different categories. That's my excuse, anyway.

Anonymous said...

My vote on its way. I do the odd diversion of opinion with you but if there was any justice you'd be in the top 3 and the great guido wouldnt even register.

Philippe Branco said...

Speed vote link:

Neil said...

For next year's award I suggest you change your blog's name to 111111111AAAAAAZelo Street. Works for plumbers and taxi companies in the Yellow Pages. Tried to vote but got an error message.

SteveB said...

I've voted at second attempt (404 error first time....!!)

If there was an award for badly designed crap website of the year I'd vote for them!!!