Greg Hands - cheap opportunist ...
So who would like to set the ball rolling? Greg Hands would. His majority in safe Chelsea and Fulham was just over 8,000 in 2017, and the way the Tories are going, or not going, he could lose the seat come the long-awaited General Election. “What has our great capital city come to when a 13 year old boy is killed in a sword attack?” he blustered, to universal condemnation.

... Richard Tice - more of the same ...
He should have stopped there. But he didn’t. “Our thanks go to those who bravely went to the attacker, to protect others. This collapse of law & order must stop. Enough is enough. [Sadiq Khan] has failed Londoners. Last week he laughed when warned of machete crisis. Now a child is dead”.

... Master Cole, setting the bar lower ...
Someone else sensing an opportunity, and looking as if he’s still Tory Bear at heart, was the odious flannelled fool Master Harry Cole, still continuing his pretence of being a real journalist by succeeding the non-bullying Tom Newton Dunn as political editor of the Murdoch Sun. “Sadiq Khan confronted over people ‘running around with machetes’ on the streets of London earlier this week: ‘I think the Tory candidate should stop watching The Wire.’”

... to which Christian Calgie responds "hold my beer"
“A week ago the Tory candidate for London mayor raised the machete crisis in London. Sadiq khan’s response? ‘I think the Tory candidate should stop watching The Wire.’ He doesn’t care. He thinks it’s a big joke. These words are utterly hollow”. Mayor Khan tried and sent down in one. But Calgie, like Master Cole, is not a disinterested bystander in this case.
During his tenure chez Fawkes, Calgie slyly edited one of his posts to remove what looked like an actionable smear of former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein. He also penned an item claiming that the BBC was a Quango, which it is not. But he is desperate to bash Sadiq Khan. Another sad Tory supporter.
All the time, what these less than august beings don’t report in their respective papers (Calgie must have drawn the short straw - a berth at the Daily Brexit, still called the Express), but the Observer does, is “Tory staff running network of anti-Ulez Facebook groups riddled with racism and abuse … Investigation finds groups hosting Islamophobic attacks on London mayor Sadiq Khan, white supremacist slogans and antisemitic conspiracy theories”.
Compared to which, the attack by Hands and his cheerleaders is positively mild stuff. Tories yah-boo well, but 14 years of failure tell their own story.