What we left ...
Which her hero Bozo didn’t do, and in any case these have not existed for several decades. Thus the Tel gets yet more desperate and downmarket, and readers are distracted from the grim reality: as a new poll has revealed, almost all those Parliamentary constituencies that favoured Brexit in 2016 no longer do so. A vote today would be emphatically in favour of Remain.
Those who use the Eurostar service out of St Pancras International may be some of the ones changing their minds, as the BBC has reported: “The boss of Eurostar has said its trains between the UK and Paris are carrying 30% fewer passengers. Chief executive Gwendoline Cazenave said with post-Brexit border checks and current levels of border staff, there were ‘bottlenecks’ in stations”. Wow! Benefit! Keeps the Forrins out, eh?
There was more. “Eurostar is currently running 14 services per day between London and Paris, compared with 18 in 2019. Ms Cazenave said the company might not restore some services suspended last year due to the problems … Last year, Eurostar announced it was halting its direct service from London to Disneyland Paris and also stopped services calling at Ebbsfleet or Ashford International stations”. Stops Brits travelling, though.
Does any of this get through to the more rabid wing of the Tory party? You jest: one whiff of Rishi Sunak going for a “Swiss style” arrangement with Brussels was enough to have the ERG suffering the wig-out and collective involuntary bowel movement to stink out all of Westminster.
Nor does reality seem to have landed with sufficient force at Labour Party HQ, with the party’s current leadership continuing to assert that they will “make Brexit work”. The only way they will “make Brexit work” will be to rejoin the Single Market and Customs Union. They need to come clean with voters.

... and those who conned the voters
But wherever there is bad news, there is also the opportunity to spin it the other way, and, with a significantly-sized dose of rank hypocrisy, the IMF news has been held up as justifying Brexit by the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog. Staines, remember it well, lives in Ireland - an EU member state. Thus the hypocrisy.
The Great Guido this morning celebrated Brexit day, telling readers “For all the refusal by Remoaners to accept the biggest ever democratic decision by the British people, even today’s IMF report on growth forecasts couldn’t bring itself to attribute any faults in the UK economy to our decision to leave the bloc”. It just said the economy would shrink this year. Minor point, eh?
Those at the Fawkes massive get round that one by later putting the boot in on the IMF for getting their forecasts wrong. And they do dishonesty, too, proclaiming “Since this day in 2019 we’ve signed about [?] 71 new trade deals, led the European response to Putin’s war in Ukraine and saved countless British lives with an independent vaccine rollout”.
And as Jon Stewart might have put it, two things here. One, if any country is leading the response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s Poland. And Two, the UK was behind Malta and Portugal in getting 90% of its population double jabbed with Covid vaccines. Which, once again, shows that being in the EU would not have stopped the UK responding swiftly to the Pandemic.
Lying. Gaslighting. Misinformation. And all those rich propagandists telling the less well off how we’ve taken back control and put one over on Johnny Foreigner. The reality, as Adam Bienkov at Byline Times has pointed out, is that “Brexit has Left the UK in a State of National Decline”. And looking at that poll and the loss of support for Brexit, it looks like the voters are wise to that.
Just don’t forget who led us here. Don’t let them anywhere near power again.