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Wednesday 10 January 2018

Toby Young - The REAL Reason He Went

The timing of the announcement by the loathsome Toby Young that he would not, after all, be joining the board of the newly created Office for Students was not a coincidence. Nor, as has already been pointed out to all those trying to blame the Rotten Lefties (tm), was his departure anything to do with the left, the alleged “Twitter mob”, or any of the other imaginary demons conjured up by the right-leaning part of the Pundit Establishment.
Yes Tobes, you've been rumbled big time

What Tobes knew, but many of his cheerleaders clearly did not, was that the contents of the latest Private Eye magazine (#1461, on sale at all good news outlets for just £2.00, and the story is on Page 11) would become known as Tuesday wore on. Those contents include the observation “Last year Young was invited by psychologist James Thompson to attend a secretive conference at UCL called the London Conference on Intelligence”.

Tobes himself recalled “Attendees were only told the venue at the last minute … and asked not to share the information”. The reasons can be found in an article at London Student, which tells “A eugenics conference held annually at University College London by an honorary professor, the London Conference on Intelligence, is dominated by a secretive group of white supremacists with neo-Nazi links”. Oh dear, Tobes!

It gets worse. “A central figure in the London Conference on Intelligence (LCI) is the white nationalist, extremist Richard Lynn, who has called for the ‘phasing out’ of the ‘populations of incompetent cultures’”. And worse. “Lynn … is President of the Ulster Institute for Social Research (UISR) … The UISR is bankrolled by Lynn and Meisenberg’s Pioneer Fund, a Southern Poverty Law Centre-listed hate group founded by Nazi sympathisers with the purpose of promoting ‘racial betterment’”. And it gets worse still.

Beneficiaries of the fund include a magazine devoted to a ‘penetrating inquiry into every aspect of the Jewish Question,’ and Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance, whose conferences have hosted prominent far-right figures Richard Spencer (a white supremacist), Nick Griffin (ex-leader of the British National Party), and David Duke (another white supremacist, and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan)”.
Look whose admirers were there too

Thompson, the one who invited Tobes, “is a frequent contributor to the Unz Review, which has been described as ‘a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery,’ and features articles such as ‘America’s Jews are Driving America’s Wars’ and ‘What to do with Latinos?’”. And it’s not just racists with whom Tobes rubbed shoulders.

Another major organiser of the LCI is Emil Kirkegaard, who has attended all four conferences … [his] internet presence [includes] a blog-post in which he justifies child rape. He states that a ‘compromise’ with paedophiles could be ‘having sex with a sleeping child without them knowing it (so, using sleeping medicine). If they [don’t] notice it is difficult to see how they [could] be harmed, even if it is rape. One must distinguish between rape [because] the other was disconsenting (wanting to not have sex), and rape [because] the other is not consenting, but not disconsenting either’”.

Tobes’ attendance was not “historic”, to quote Fraser Nelson’s supremely dishonest defence. And that is why he had to go - not many would take note of London Student, but when the Eye turned its sights on him, he knew the game was up. Toby Young has been going places no public servant should even consider going. So he’s gone. End of story.


mirandola said...

And he should also be removed from any connections he still has with this New Schools Network nonsense. Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Hang on, was he invited or did he actually go? Don't get me wrong, he shouldn't be allowed near a penny of public money whatever the answer.

Anonymous said...

Young and co are the logical products of a socioeconomic and political system which is alien to human decency and fairness.

They are merely the most visible because they are the most stupid, certainly paranoid, and quite possibly psychotic in their intentions.

And don't forget Young was a regular propagandist in mainstream broadcast and print media up to a few weeks ago, allowed to spout his poison without any serious challenge. This despite his well known activities and opinions. So WHO in msm continued to invite him and WHY did they ignore all the long-known warning signs? These questions will of course never be asked, let alone answered. The reason is obvious: Young was and is One Of Them. Which should tell alert honest citizens everything about Them, their opinions and their methods.

But just watch as the remaining far right propagandists try to bury this as quickly as possible. It's what media cringers and toadies do.

Jonathan said...

Not surprised really, when your friends are the Talc brothers and Michael Oiky Gove who secretly hold the same poisonous views.
Tobes is a bit thick, anyone attending one of these conferences and reasonablely high profile should avoid these places.
Maybe Tobes should try out progressive eugenics on himself, by his own experiences he'd have been screened out as a 'thicko'.

Gonzoland said...

In his excuse to Private Eye, Toby Young said that attending didn't mean agreeing. Someone using a similar defence for watching child porn on the internet is unlikely to get an easy time.

Anonymous said...

Exquisitely accurate!

Anonymous said...

Not a word from the Fawkes blog.

They didn't get up early enough for that story. Must have still been in bed with Tobes.

Anonymous said...

He did the keynote speech. Pretty sure he was agreeing.

Anonymous said...

He was a keynote speaker!

ukulelehaven said...

Anyone invited you to such a meeting? No, let's hope not to be on their mailing list eh?

Arnold said...

"UCL to investigate eugenics conference secretly held on campus"


Derek said...

Yes he should.
The incompetent Nazi couldn’t even run them.

Derek said...

Indeed, another hotbed of extremists

Anonymous said...

The real reason he went, drugs?

Rightly so.

He's obviously a good candidate for how they can be used appropriately with no impact......

Anon said...

He follows the child rape propagator, Evil Emi, on Twitter๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Anonymous said...

Quality lies here....a keynote speaker....really... Perhaps a keynote speaker at a different conference on a different continent.

However facts and the left have never been comfortable bedfellows

Anonymous said...

how come university college London allows NAZIs on its premises????????

Anonymous said...

And how come the Johnsons crowbarred Toby onto their committee.
A committee that would force Universities to host more nazi gatherings.

And how come the government's anti-radicalisation measures always miss the extremists
who share their minsiter's drinks and dinner?