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Friday 12 January 2018

The President Is Yellow

The real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week car crash that is the presidency of Donald John Trump has mostly - thankfully - not impacted too much on the lives of ordinary Brits. It would have done next month, with a visit to London so The Donald could officially open the new US Embassy at Battersea, but Trump is of less than perfect courage, and the prospect of a less than adulatory reception has scared him off.
Donald, where's your hairspray?

So today has come his excuse, demonstrating that, when it comes to lying, he is in a league yet higher than our own Political Establishment. “Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for ‘peanuts,’ only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!
There was, as Captain Blackadder might have observed, only one problem with this idea - it was bollocks. Trump would have faced demonstrations everywhere he went. London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan has already registered his displeasure at the prospect of The Donald visiting. So former Labour leader Ed Miliband had no hesitation in telling him “Nope, it’s because nobody wanted you to come. And you got the message”.
It got worse: Jeremy Benware pointed out “The decision to move the embassy from Grosvenor Square to Nine Elms was made in 2008 under George W. Bush, not Obama. It would have been impossible to retrofit the aging concrete building with the security measures needed, officials said at the time”. Eero Saarinen’s design is now Grade II listed, so updating could have been impossibly expensive. And it got worse still.
Michael Moran weighed in: “What have we learned this morning? 1. The embassy was not sold, because the US didn't own it … 2. The decision to move was taken before Obama took office … 3. The chump in the White House is even less well-informed than we previously thought”. Moreover, the sale of the lease on the old embassy site is thought to have netted the USA around £500 million - hardly “peanuts”.
And as for the site south of the river, BBC presenter (yn Llundain) Huw Edwards looked at the new building and concluded “If this is [an] ‘off location’, I’ll take it” (the new embassy, already in use, is at lower middle of the photo). There is even a new Tube link - an extension to the Northern Line, giving swift access to the West End - being built to serve the area. Trump is just making lame excuses. And one US President concurs.
‘He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.’ -- Benjamin Franklin” observed, er, none other than Donald Trump, but in 2014, before he decided to run for the Presidency. He’s a coward, frightened to face any reception that is not falling over itself to pay homage to his supposed greatness. He’s a liar, unable to get his facts straight before shooting his mouth off. So thank God he’s not over here too.
The New York Daily News might have been cruel to call Trump “Shit For Brains” on its front page today. But it looks like it was a case of “Cruel but Fair”. What a clown.


Pavi said...

The wind blows high
The wind blows low
Donald where's your hairspray?
The wind blows high
The wind blows low
Donald where's your brains gone
The wind blows high
The wind blows low
Donald's brains are made of shit
The wind blows high
The wind blows low
Farage is here your arse to lick
Donald where's your hair gone
The wind blows high
The wind blows low
Govey says I'll do that to
Donald where's your hairspray
The wind blows high
The wind blows low
Bozo says I can do that to
Donald keep your hair on
Piers Moron comes up his rear
Donald where's your brains gone
The wind blows high
The wind blows low
Thank the Lord you're not coming here
Donald keep your hair on ....................

Who started this? I am getting bored now.

Anonymous said...

You can peel him like a banana.
One skin..
Two skin...
Three skin...

Pavi said...

Thanks to Tim for the artistic inspiration for my last post
If GCHQ Mi5 or the CIA or listening in that c**t Paul Dacre put me up to it.
I think you should know that he is a Russian sleeper and handler for Teresa May.
If not all rights are reserved in order to fund legal fees.

Anonymous said...

Fresh from supporting Toby Young,those perfect judges of character, Boris and Jo Johnson have both spoken out in favour of Trump today

Anonymous said...

We can (justifiably) jeer at Trump all we like.

But as long as we have our version of shit-for-brains in Johnson and McVey it doesn't do to get too self righteous.

As a poodle 51st state that should have sunk in by now.