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Tuesday 23 January 2018

Tommy Robinson In Van Attack Denial

The trial has begun of Darren Osborne, accused of driving a van into a crowd of people outside Finsbury Park Mosque in London last June. One man died and others suffered what are euphemistically described as “life changing injuries” as a result. Many media sources - especially the press - will be watching events with no small discomfort, given their sometimes obsessive Muslim bashing agendas.
No racists here, honestly

And one individual is already becoming seriously uncomfortable with his potential role in the saga: step forward Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson. Why this might be is not difficult to see, as one look at the BBC report shows.
After telling “Mr Osborne's partner, Sarah Andrews, said he had become ‘obsessed’ with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the incident, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls about the Rochdale grooming scandal … ‘He seemed brainwashed and totally obsessed with the subject,’ she said in a statement, read out in court”, we read “Ms Andrews told police Mr Osborne had been reading posts by former EDL leader Tommy Robinson on Twitter”. Times reporter Fiona Hamilton had more.
Alleged Finsbury Park attacker Darren Osborne was in touch with a Tommy Robinson social media account which invited him to a march in Manchester … Alleged Finsbury Park attacker researched online material featuring Tommy Robinson, Britain First and its leaders Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen” she told. And then came the crunch Tweet.
Alleged Finsbury Park killer Darren Osborne was looking at lots of Tommy Robinson material on Twitter and had ‘simply set his mind to believing this sort of racist material’, court told”. But Lennon won’t have anyone call him a racist. He’ll make 250 mile round trips to harass people who do that. On successive nights.
So what did The Great Man have to say for himself? After trying to blame the BBC - “Finsbury Park terror trial: Darren Osborne turned into 'ticking time bomb' after watching BBC drama, court hears’” - and failing, he registered his displeasure at Ms Hamilton’s comments: “Racist material? He was awoke to the problems with Islam”.
Then came the demand to “look over there” as he snapped “How come we don’t hear what imam [sic] or preachers of Islam Muslim terrorists follow in their court cases”, before losing it with the Beeb: “How are Bbc news running their story with a big picture of me to be invited over in a terrorist attack that I have nothing to do with. Smear campaign headed by the BBC”. So what’s he going to do about it, then?

If Lennon thinks that he can round up a few of his pals and rock up at New Broadcasting House, or indeed the Baby Shard, and intimidate those inside in the way he’s been doing elsewhere recently, he’s got a nasty shock coming. His media contacts won’t take kindly to him turning on their pals. And the Police won’t be too impressed, either.

Stephen Yaxley Lennon will find that his little Wild West Show counts as nothing against the media establishment. So he’ll have to just suck it up. And there will be much more coming his way as the press piles in on the Finsbury Park van attack.

Actions have consequences. Especially for the little people outside the media tent.


Brittun Frist said...

Tommy's on the right lines when he says it's a 'smear campaign headed by the BBC' but it goes much higher than that. It's the DPP who allowed the CPS to bring this prosecution after the police had been ordered to arrest this Taff when he'd allegedly been allowed to drive unhindered down the M4, round the north circular and into Finsbury Park, there to drive into a group of innocent people. And all this to make Tommy and the Britain First lads look racist. And who hired him the van and tempted him with a budget discount? And what was the role of the staff at Heston Services Greggs in enabling the attacker by sustaining him with a chicken bake?
And you're not telling me that the TomTom supplier didn't have a role in this.
These questions demand answers and Tommy's legal team should be round Huw Edwards house every night until they get them!

Ceebs said...

strange how it's only a smear when it is details about Tommy that get featured. yet when it's a Muslim the story is about Tommy is right there insisting that his paranoid fantasys are reality.

Anonymous said...

Dem Muslamics get everywhere, even in Aunty BBC.

Like the Russians.

Oh well. I guess we'll just have to start a new war, slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocents, make tens of millions refugees, impoverish whole societies, loot natural resources and destroy entire nations. That'll teach 'em. We've had plenty of practice these last four centuries.

Well in, Britain 2018. Bringing civilisation to the rest of the world. Or something.

nparker said...

Tommy saying the terrorist was 'awoke' to the problems of Islam is, of course, a direct excusing of the attack.

Tommy Robinson just justified a terrorist attack on Muslims that killed a man. Sickening.

Let's hope the police are watching him closely.

Anonymous said...

Who we all like on to Lennon, the BBC shouldn't be allowed to get away with there own decisive ideology, from the 3 girls drama to the latest panorama.......oh, and the news management on this.....