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Saturday 20 January 2018

UKIP - Beginning Of The End

Too skint to hold another leadership election, membership numbers in freefall, and with the departure of Jonathan Arnott, another MEP lost, the motley convocation of saloon bar propper-uppers otherwise known as UKIP faces that final curtain. The party will decide the fate of leader Henry Bolton tomorrow - or he may just ignore their confidence vote and tough it out, all the while shipping members, money, and credibility.
The last Kipper gets smoked

Not only do the Kippers not have the means to hold another leadership contest without first disposing of at least one staff member, they also, as Arnott pointed out, do not have anyone better than Bolton to replace him. There will be no return of Nigel “Thirsty” Farage, as UKIP is now on its uppers, and Nige ain’t going anywhere other than where the money is at. The bankers could pull the plug as early as next week.

And adding to the collective-nervous-breakdown-cum-self-destruct-inevitability of UKIP right now have been yet more revelations of most unfortunate social media outbursts from the young woman who Bolton took up with, then dumped, but then dined with last week and who accompanied him all the way back to the location on the Kent Coast where he has a flat. Jo Marney’s intolerant and bigoted back catalogue had more nasty surprises.
Ms Marney’s Facebook messages include one tirade which contains the observations “I’m voting UKIP … I hate these PG English people who are scared to speak out about the tidal wave of European scum coming over here in case they get labelled as racist … Personally, I freely admit I am racist. I didn’t use to be, but I am now. These people are given more rights than us in our own country … They come here purely to use and abuse our system”. She isn’t too clued up on human rights, either, but then, she votes UKIP.

There was, sadly for Henry Bolton and his decision making process, more. “Just let ‘em all come over … let ‘em all live off us … have 50,000 brats … and claim benefits … well, that’s what’s happening … it’s the truth … and personally, I couldn’t care if we do kill Iraqi kids … I personally think the entire country needs a nuclear bomb dropping on it”.

She isn’t too good at separating EU member states from those in the Middle East, too, it seems. And as Bolton has decreed that he does not rule out “rekindling” his relationship with Ms Marney, it is most relevant to his suitability for continuing as UKIP leader. Is he in favour of these dishonest and spiteful attacks on EU citizens (and, indeed, Iraqis)?
Meanwhile, five of the party’s councillors in Hartlepool “have resigned from the party citing ‘national distraction’ and formed a new Independent Group … Councillors John Tennant, Shane Moore, Bob Buchan, Tim Fleming and George Springer, have quit the party amid increasing negative headlines and in-fighting within the party at national level”, following the move by Arnott, their local MEP. There are likely to be more.

UKIP can’t afford to dump Bolton, they don’t have a credible alternative, and all the while their members and elected representatives are drifting away. The party is visibly breaking up. Next week it may all be over. Just rejoice at that news.


Anonymous said...

It was a sorry day that UKIP ever got involved with the British media.

The stirring caused the in-fighting. To be honest though, if a positive came out of it, it would be the secrets exposed.

I doubt the media will be thanked for that, by some.

Roy said...

Without the British media's unconditional love for Farage, UKIP would never have been other than a bunch of grubby racists ranting on a street corner,

J said...

I think this was one of the best twitter posts on the racist and the leader (god it sounds like a black mirror version of beauty and the beast)...


Anonymous said...

Good grief.

Those facebook posts just boggle a civilised mind.

Plainly the woman needs help.

She could make a reasonable start by cancelling her subscriptions to the Sun, Daily Mail and the Spectator. That's if she got past the Beano.

SteveB said...

The problem here is that UKIP is just an organisation, and a loose one at that. Collapse doesn't mean an end to the people and their attitudes. Like NF and BNP before this, at least you knew where they were. Those who simply hated the EU are probably already drifting back to the Tories but many will move on to Britain First.

Anonymous said...

Not rejoicing, because it will likely let the BNP/National Front/Loyal Empire Leage/BUF back into the game.

Simon said...

@Anonymous 13:04

I quite agree. She could also do with learning English by the look of it. Judging by that drivel, I'm sure it's the least she'd expect of a 'forriner' moving to the UK.

Anonymous said...

UKIP is a busted flush that is heading down the pan faster than the turd it is

Jonathan said...

UKIP achieved its reason for existence, once Brexit process started, there is little point of UKIP.
UKIP is and will always be made up of racists and the fruitloops.
Its implosion will delight the Tories and Britain First.

Jonathan said...

One thing when UKIP goes under is the demise of a Kipper going off message and making up the most bizarre comments ever in British politics e.g who can forget the UKIP documentary featuring the racist Rozeanne Duncan claiming she had a problem with 'negros', or the unforgettable Gay donkey raped my horse..
Difficult to see how Jo Marney will still be a member and remain as Bolton's girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

What will the Express do if UKIP goes under? They’ve relied on the party for inflammatory rentagob comments for years now - now they’ll have to rely on their own washed up columnists to rile the elderly racists that make up the Express’s readership.

Rob Smith said...

Brexit is still a thing so why is this good? Ukip splitting will mean they will organise themselves in different ways.

Anonymous said...

Bolton: a poundshop Edward VIII, forced to choose between his racist mistress and his racist party

Anonymous said...

Someone should just hand him and Marney the files on everything Fuller has set up against people and watch what happens.

Anonymous said...

Lots of great info emerging about Fuller and Farage stitching people up and a tape of one one of them giving it away, plus death threats to victims. Detectives have that.

Anonymous said...

DNA sticks on dresses for years. Detectives like that. How's NF's stalker and fixer Fuller? Still paid to give MEPs handjobs or stitch women up for crimes never committed?

Anonymous said...

Hum, Farage and banks to start new party once UKIP collapses, free of baggage and debts....

A Model said...

U can shut yor mowf.

I dunt need to lern to spell coz I aint in no party.