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Tuesday 25 September 2012

Daily Mail – Bigotry On Parade

As this blog has noted many times, anyone contributing copy for the Daily Mail that does not meet with the approval of the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre is unlikely to keep well. And so it can be safely assumed that whatever is churned out by long established pundits is in accordance with the Dacre agenda. So what kind of erudite and uplifting copy is on offer from them?

Racism, Guv? Nah, it's just Blacks, innit?!?

Well, first off today is a prime helping of unreconstructed racism followed up with a casual hint of homophobia from the unfunny and tedious Richard Littlejohn. Dick has seen a photo of the huddled masses queuing up for the new iPhone5, and has been aghast at what he sees. There are faces in the crowd that are not white! There are several of them! You couldn’t make it up!

Has Apple opened a Sangatte?” asks Dick, pretending that he’s only putting the questions that the ordinary bloke in the pub might, wherever that may be. “If you want a graphic illustration of how unfettered immigration has changed the demographic make-up of Britain, look no further than the picture in Saturday’s Mail of the crowd waiting for the Apple store in London to open” he continues.

What’s his problem? “It looks like the queue for the lorries at Sangatte” he opines, before suggesting that those not of Caucasian appearance should for some reason not be able to afford £599 for an iPhone5. Then he shoots himself in the foot by admitting that some of those present had been paid to queue. So it’s not necessarily a representative cross section of buyers in any case.

Why Black and Asian Britons should be short of six hundred notes is mystifying. Those who follow The Prophet might find the dosh just by not venturing regularly to the Rub-A-Dub and becoming Elephant’s Trunk And Mozart. Just a thought, Dickie boy. But he’s not finished, and follows his casual racism with a homophobic attack on under-fire Tory MP Andrew Mitchell.

What I want to know is why a 56-year-old Tory MP is wearing a pink tie and riding a midwife’s bike”. Very good Dick, you can’t tell a blokes’ bike from a woman’s version (Mitchell’s is clearly in the former category). And if anyone thought the homophobia was an isolated occurrence, there is Peter McKay, the World’s Worst Columnist, with more of the same in the latest Ephraim Hardcastle drivel.

Wake up Peter, you've been fired

Radio 4’s Today presenter Evan Davis, apropos Andrew Marr’s discussion about fairy stories on Monday’s Start the Week, informs listeners: ‘There’s a CD with three magical retellings of classic fairy tales in The Guardian on that theme, by the way, just in case you want those.’ That’s enough fairies already” he snarks. Yes Peter, we know Evan Davis is gay. Now go back to sleep.

Yes, bigotry is alive and well at Dacre Towers. And that’s not good enough.

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