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Friday 10 June 2016

Sun Porn Claim - EU Lied Again

As the EU referendum campaign goes into its last two weeks, so the scare stories coming out of the Europhobic part of the Fourth Estate - for which read most of it - are becoming ever more desperate, to the point of inaccuracy and even dishonesty. And there is no finer example of both than the latest attempt to frighten voters from the obedient Murdoch shilling takers at the Super Soaraway Currant Bun.
Missionary Imposition [geddit?!?] … SEXIT! Anti-Brexit gang fund grubby ‘are you in’ porno to woo young voters” thunders the headline, above an article described asexclusive”, because, as with so many Sun exclusives, nobody else was desperate enough to have made it up. So what is the schtick with Stephen Moyes’ piece?

A SPOOF porno film was planned by an anti-Brexit group in a bid to net young voters”. Notice how being in favour of remaining in the EU is twisted to become “anti” something. But here a problem enters, as a look at the headline shows. That claims “Anti-Brexit gang funded by ex-M&S chief make ‘are you in’ porno movie in bid to woo frisky young voters”. “Make … porno movie”. That means they made a movie. But they didn’t.

Moreover, there is no evidence anything was even planned, except readers are told “And today they launch a poster of a stripped Boris Johnson on a wrecking ball”. Er, this is “porno”? Away with you. But do go on. “The mini movie was to feature a man bedding his partner and asking her ‘Am I in?’ … We Are Europe hoped it would go viral before the EU referendum on June 23 and create a ‘spike of interest’ among Britain’s youth. They wanted randy Brits to look for it on explicit adult websites”.

Then there is more invention: “The draft script featured references to Winston Churchill and the Queen [no evidence or citation] … One scene involved a man having sex with a woman and looking at a photo of David Cameron and Angela Merkel [ditto] … But We Are Europe - who are separate from the official Remain group - pulled out after The Sun confronted them over the bad taste stunt [ditto]”.

This is just totally made up, right? Made up right down to smearing popular hate figures for the Out campaign, with “The activists, funded by Lord David Sainsbury and ex-M&S chief Lord Stuart Rose, were to film the brief movie yesterday”. A promotional film, and it was to be cobbled together in one day, with the expectation of it “going viral” before the referendum in less that two weeks’ time? Someone is having a laugh.

There is even a contribution from Vote Leave head man Matthew Elliott, whose respect for Parliament - you remember, Out fans, the Parliament that you all want to be sovereign and supreme - was such that he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to testify before the Treasury select committee. So what we have here is a mixture of lies and invention, propped up by a quote from a gloating hypocrite.

The Sun is shilling for the Out campaign. We know that already, thanks.


Gweedo Fawkes said...


When my blog gets the chop by Leveson, I'll get a job in the porn industry.
They'll be queuing up to employ me.
The things I can do with a bottle. ;-)

Jim said...

And with no sense of irony to the left of the headline is a another 1970's style woman with tits headline

Karma Bitch said...

Personally, I'm looking forwards to a Mexit.
It's when Murdoch finally gets booted out.

Of anywhere.

AndyC said...

The S*n has a very strange definition of porn. And only they would use word like 'frisky'.

Chris said...

Even if this was real, that sounds nothing like porn, it sounds like a silly joke film. You know, acting? I'm pretty sure it'd be on YouTube and not Xtube, and less explicit than...oh...I don't know...page 3 of the Sun?