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Monday 13 January 2014

UKIP – Bigotry The Mail Missed

UKIP's vile Mandela 'slave' rant exposed: Disgusting remarks made about South African president and murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence 'reveal true face of party'thundered the Mail On Sunday yesterday, as Glen Owen dished the dirt on the party’s internal online forum. But it was the kind of thing that didn’t get into his article that tells you rather more about this body.
Not least is the omission of their own revelation that Victoria Ayling, close ally of Nigel “Thirsty” Farage, and who said of immigrants that “I just want to send the lot back”, had been a member of the racist National Front (NF) some years ago. This is important, as UKIP bans former BNP members from joining its ranks – and the BNP was born out of a split within the NF.

John Tyndall, who founded the NF, left after the 1979 General Election, with Private Eye magazine alleging there had been a falling out between him and Martin Webster, who was gay. Tyndall, who led the BNP from 1982 to 1999, was a notorious homophobe. And to be an NF member in the late 70s, with Tyndall’s 1962 conviction for paramilitary organising in recent memory, is seriously bad.

It gets worse: last Friday, UKIP Euro-election candidate Gawain Towler looked at the “Scruton Manifesto” and concluded that UKIP already embraced its principles. Roger Scruton founded the Salisbury Review, which for some years embraced the concept of repatriation for immigrants. Its contributors, as I noted recently, are still prone to using unfortunate language when talking about ethnic minorities.

So now we have two reasons not to touch the Farage fringe with the longest of bargepoles. And, as the man said, there’s more: on the same UKIP Daily site that Towler used to show his support for Scruton, Nigel Jones, another MEP hopeful, gives the impression of rank paranoia as he froths at “Europhiles” in what is called “LibLabCon”. Perhaps “EUSSR” will be along shortly to keep it company.

And another item missing from the MoS charge sheet is the behaviour of another of the UKIP faithful it mentions, Martin “Marty” Caine from the pleasant seaside town of Poole. In a Twitter exchange with Phil Dore, he referred to the family of murdered soldier Lee Rigby as “idiots” (as well as, separately, mounting a defence of the EDL). UKIP deny they are in any way allied to the EDL.

Caine then threatened to sue Tom Pride, who called supposedly libertarian UKIP “about as libertarian as I’m a catwalk model”, for pointing out that he had, er, called Lee Rigby’s family “idiots”. Which he had demonstrably done. As Littlejohn might have said, you couldn’t make it up. And that concludes today’s Kipper kippering of the party’s racist and bully-boy underbelly.

Nobody with brain engaged should even consider voting for this shower.


Gary said...

1) No-one made any reference to Mandela being a slave.

2)Millions of Britons would happily expel foreigners from this country, and the same applies to every country in the world.

3) No-one made disgusting comments about Stephen Lawrence or his mother.

Marty Caine said...

I never threatened to sue Tom Pride, he did ask if I was going to sue him as well, when I was looking into suing the guy who said I had called Lee Rigby's family idiots when I had not, unfortunately it would have cost far more than I could have got in compensation from that idiot who did actually seriously frighten my wife with his stupid nonsense, this is the same Phil Dore who took great delight in posting McCann jokes on facebook, nice chap but then he is far from being alone in the sick minded crew of the lefty logic brigade is he. People vote for policies and political idealism, they certainly won't be put off voting for UKIP because of lies printed about a mere member like me :)

Have a nice day now...

Tim Fenton said...

Just because I publish comments does not mean I agree with the opinions expressed by the authors. Which, in both these instances, I do not.

Gary said...

I posted facts. You are free to disagree with them, but won't alter their accuracy.

Anonymous said...

you didn't post any facts. only your opinions or firm beliefs.

points 1 and 3 are about the MoS article .... and they did show where the comments come from (that's a fact). If you disagree with their facts, then please provide the evidences (you know, something that could stand in a court as proof).

point 2 is your belief.
I don't remember you personally asking millions of Britons whether they would put their names and adresses on a petition to expel their foreign neighbours (provided they aren't just "foreign-looking").

I do agree with you that polls consistently show a bias amongst Britons against foreigners.
However, in a country of 60+ millions, it wouldn't be too difficult to find a few "millions" (say 2 or 3, or more than 3% of the population) to agree with whatever one think (like say, whether we should dress up mice in a Green Lantern outfit and elect them to Westminster as MPs)

... again that's neither a majority, nor a practical policy.

Best regards,

SteveB said...

By expelling foreigners how far back would you go Marty? Descendents of Angles (refugees from foreign invasion) and Saxons (mostly economic migrants) perhaps? Or the Vikings? Or maybe just as far back as Normans - after all their invasion did fall within the much quoted "1000 years of history..."? That should thin things out in Dorset? Ever asked yourself why Nigel likes his family name pronounced the French way?

Most of the white population of England is of foreign descent, it's just a matter of which cut off date you find convenient to suit your own views. Perhaps the answer is to leave it to the remaining indigenious Celtic Britons who were forced back from England, there are still a few thousand living in West Wales.

Phil Dore said...


unfortunately it would have cost far more than I could have got in compensation from that idiot who did actually seriously frighten my wife with his stupid nonsense

Also, you'd have lost. And not only would you have wasted your money but I'd have pursued you for costs, and possibly even counter-sued you.

this is the same Phil Dore who took great delight in posting McCann jokes on facebook

I was a little confused by this at first. However, after trawling through my Facebook profile I found a long-inactive group that I hadn't commented in since 2007, and which nobody at all had commented in since 2009.

If it makes you feel better, I've removed it, and I apologise unreservedly if I have caused offence by making a joking comment about Madeleine McCann. Seven years ago.

Shawlrat said...

Well said Steve B. I would love some of these Little Englanders to do some family history research.

On any survey I would be classed as White British, yet I can find Scandinavian and Huguenot ancestors in my family. I can trace a direct line to William the Conqueror through my paternal grandmother.

So, I guess by some people's criteria, I'm an immigrant.
However, being blond and blue eyed, I'm probably the right "colour" to fit in. I even have a Scouse accent for authenticity.

I prefer to regard myself as a citizen of the world, who just happens to live here.