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Thursday 31 December 2015

Daily Mail Honours Rant Repeated

The press loves to berate the BBC for the number of repeats shown on its channels, especially during the Christmas and New Year period, and those who labour in the service of the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre at the Daily Mail are especially harsh on the Corporation in this regard. What puts the Dacre doggies in a rather difficult position is that they have been indulging in the same thing.
Where the f***'s my gong, c***?!? Er, with the greatest of respect, Mr Jay

So when readers saw today’s headlineTainted New Year Honours: Gongs for sex shop queen, boss of shambolic tax office and cronies, donors and bungling bureaucrats … List is plunged into fresh controversy with a string of contentious awards … Jacqueline Gold, boss of high street sex shop Ann Summers, made a CBE … Lin Homer, who runs the shambolic UK tax office, is awarded a dame hood … Joined by a string of scandal-hit bureaucrats, political cronies and donors”, some may have experienced a little déjà vu.

This may be because they rememberTainted New Year Honours: Knighthood for Tory donor who made millions from credit crunch and CBE for jailed tycoon … Ex-convict Gerald Ronson and Conservative Party supporter Paul Ruddock both honoured … David Cameron accused of being 'out of touch' with decent British people … Government source says Prime Minister has no personal involvement in deciding who receives honours … Founder of online gambling company bet365 also appointed OBE” in the same paper.
The same whinge today ...

Those readers may also recallDishonours! Gongs for water boss who put up bills, police chief who failed tragic Victoria Climbie, hedge fund tycoon who bankrolls Tories and, oh yes, a Labour luvvie … Thames Water boss Robert Collington awarded OBE for consumer services … Retired Met police chief Sue Akers given a CBE for 'services to policing’ … Millionaire Tory donor Michael Hintze receives a knighthood … 'Labour luvvie' and Blackadder actor Tony Robinson gets a knighthood”, also in the same paper.

The first of those articles hit the news stands exactly four years ago, with the second, in June 2013, targeting not the New Year Honours, but those awarded on the occasion of the Queen’s official birthday. It’s clear that the Mail has a problem with all those people of whom it does not totally approve getting gongs. But why?
... as there was in June 2013

Ah well. Paul Dacre is nothing if not full of boiling, righteous anger, something usually directed against anyone not possessing right-leaning views, but equally against those who he believes have wronged him, or failed to recognise all those years of devotion to the cause of scoring More And Bigger Paycheques For Himself Personally Now.

Dacre’s predecessor David English - who, after all, was “kicked upstairs” in order to get the Vagina Monologue into the editor’s chair - was awarded a knighthood. Some of his contemporaries - Max Hastings and Simon Jenkins, for instance - have been given the K. Yet every time the gongs are handed out, Dacre comes away empty handed.

So out come the Christmas and New Year repeats once more. Never mind eh, Paul?


Anonymous said...

Won't be long now before Dacre drowns in his own rabid foam.

It can't come soon enough. The loony neofascist mad meff.

Here's constructive suggestions: Do away with the whole hypocritical pile of steaming tory/New Labour/LibDem shite that is the "honours list." Or if the farce MUST be retained, no awards for anybody in politics or who makes donations to political parties. That would spook everyone concerned with ermi,e-lined bullshit.

The only people who think it has any worth anyway are forehead-knuckling tory corner shopkeepers in dumps like Godalming, Virginia Water and Chelsea. And of course Dacreland, that weird place of racism, hate, greed and jealousy.

Come to think of it, the House of Lords would be the perfect place for Dacre. They too are useless, boring old reactionaries bent on collecting "expenses" for their political crackpottery.

Expect the men in white coats to call on him shortly if he keeps down to the lowest common denominator that is the Daily Heil moronic "readership."

Gweedo Fawkes said...

I Didn't receive any recognition,again!

Oh, almost forgot - another petition coming in early 2016. Strip citizenship from people who run from country to country and cause upset.

Nothing short of terrorists.

Katie Hopkins said...

My goodness!

Lots going on today. Moi, has been busy in the January sales.

Spent most of the day in Primary or the Giant Jumble Sale as it is better known!

There, that should better my chances of seeing myself on their adverts soon.

They should be grateful. I spent nearly a tenner in there!

Ciao dahlings.

Dave Spart said...

Headline comment person must be a Tory troll, surely.

Peter Mandelson said...

Dave Spart must be a Tory troll, surely.

Oliver Letwin said...

I'm Dave Spart and so is my wife!