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Monday 18 May 2015

Sun Pundit Threatens Teenage Girl

As Zelo Street observed at the time, the Murdoch Sun was caught harassing “A” Level student Abby Tomlinson, doorstepping her family, and also her grandmother, for the crime of promoting the #Milifandom craze. The teenager was then harassed by (thankfully) former Tory MP Louise Mensch. Now, as she has announced her intention to pursue the Sun for its intrusion on her extended family, the threats have started again.
Abby has secured the pro bono services (that means his time isn’t costing her anything) of John Cooper QC, a sound move for anyone who is suffering intrusion at the hands of the less scrupulous end of the Fourth Estate. But, despite the earlier threat of monstering by Ms Mensch not coming to pass, it has not gone away: once again, it seems that the former MP was only leaned on to desist until after the election.
This is what the Murdoch faithful cannot handle: “‘If you associate yourself with The Labour Party, we will find you, and we WILL doorstep your nan’ - Rupert Murdoch … And on that note - we need someone to stand strong against Murdoch, and that's why I'm backing @tom_watson for deputy leader”. That means she’s got the press sussed, and knows who to back in order to do something about it.
And only one person apologised for the harassment: “Also, when I spoke with Ed on the phone he made sure to ask me to apologise to my family, in particular my grandma, on his behalf”. Not the Murdochs, then. So her next revelation was not a surprising one: “A formal complaint against the sun is being made for the way my family was treated regarding #milifandom”. This is going to be one to watch.
Did she have suitable support for her complaint? Yes: “I do in the form of @John_Cooper_QC”. She was also encouraged in her actions by many who have observed the press close up; author and playwright Peter Jukes’ comment, “Good for you. Abby @twcuddleston Nihil illegitimi carborundum”, was typical (You do not need Bozza’s knowledge of Latin to figure that one out).
That meant one thing, and that thing was Ms Mensch jumping in with both feet. Complaining about the Sun “and not the Sunday Mirror? Your hypocrisy going full steam then? Apologized for posting the reporter's phone number have you?” This was followed by an explicit threat: “looks like my article will be topical for next week”. So Lou-You-Know-Who already has a hatchet job ready to roll.
The kinds of nastiness the Sun pundit has in mind were spelt out: “why did you say ‘Milifandom was started by myself’? It was not”. Well, who knows? And, indeed, who cares? Why on earth was Ms Mensch pursuing Abby? “She tweeted out the phone number of a reporter. Time somebody reported on her”. Yes, the lamest of pretext.

Those who know what the tabloid press is like will find this sadly predictable. Others may instead find it creepy, obsessive, bullying, and sickening in turn. It’s bang out of order.


Malcolm Armsteen said...

Heaven forfend that a reptile of the press might get a little of their own medicine. Hacks have a right to privacy that 'civilians' don't? Says everything about the ethics of these barbarians.

Zuriblue said...

So she tweeted the phone number of a reporter. Big deal. Boris Johnstone gave the address of one of his reporters to Darius Guppy so that Guppy could arrange for the reporter to be beaten up.