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Sunday 28 April 2013

Top Six – April 28

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I’m off out later. So there.

6 Conspiracy? Nah, Diamond Geezer! Sun Royal Editor Duncan Larcombe was charged with conspiracy to commit misconduct in a public office after more than £23,000 was alleged to have been paid for information. So several other hacks took to Twitter to say what a great journalist he was.

5 Rolf Harris – Now The Excuses After a five month delay in naming the veteran entertainer came the spin explaining why the press had not done so earlier. This generally involved blaming Lord Justice Leveson for some unspecified “chilling effect”, but it was just drivel. They could have done it had they wanted.

4 All Aboard The Wrong Photo Express The supposed flagship of the Desmond press wanted to illustrate a story about disruption faced by commuters as a result of a fire alarm at a signalling centre on the National Rail network, in Sussex. So they used a photo of no disruption, not on the National Rail network, and not in Sussex.

3 TPA – Beer And Pub Hypocrisy The so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance laid into Vince Cable because he was sticking up for pub tenants who routinely get screwed over by the PubCos. They want lower beer prices, but not at the expense of rich owners foregoing their ability not to, er, lower their beer prices.

2 Rival Royal Charter Rumbled The newspaper owners’ counter to the Royal Charter agreed by all major parties started to unravel as it was seen to be nothing more than a reheating of the old PCC – just a fancy con trick.

1 Sun Thatcher Funeral Hypocrisy The Sun’s non-bullying political editor Tom Newton-Dunn proclaimed that Margaret Thatcher’s funeral had cost a mere £3.6 million (doubtful), and then went after all the supposedly “left wing” papers that had put a figure of £10 million out there. Like, er, the Sun.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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