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Monday 6 June 2011

White House Material?

While it ends the contracts of pundits who have already declared their willingness to run for the Republican nomination to contest next year’s Presidential Election, Fox News Channel (fair and balanced my arse) is keeping faith with former half-term Governor Sarah Palin, who gives every appearance of limbering up for her own tilt at the GOP candidacy.

To this end, yesterday’s Fox News Sunday, usually Chris Wallace’s opportunity to do some serious political interviewing, became an hour’s softball session, with Palin not questioned too hard and allowed to get away with answers which were of questionable veracity, of little substance, or both.

The lack of substance can be seen in this brief video clip, where Wallace allows Palin to tell the FNS audience about the wonders of her bus tour, which is not a publicity tour at all, oh no.

Then in this clip comes the questionable veracity, with Palin asserting, not particularly convincingly, that she knows her American history and that her account of Paul Revere’s ride is the right one. But then, no-one should be surprised by this, coming so soon after her “Statute of Liberty” gaffe on Twitter.

Some on the right leaning part of the political spectrum admire Palin. Personally, I tend towards the conclusion reached by Keith Olbermann (and chorus) in this recent “Worst Persons” video. Countdown premieres on Current TV in just a fortnight’s time, at which point there will no doubt be more full and frank appraisal of the GOP field.

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