[Update at end of post]
The potential reduction in sunspot activity from around 2020, which I looked at the other day, was immediately picked up by those parts of the media most willing to promote climate change denialism, and during the past 48 hours the bandwagon of false causation has started to move.
And that it has gathered pace is confirmed by the Daily Mail’s obscenely overpaid churnalist Richard Littlejohn, whose latest tedious outpouring begins with a few routinely dishonest assertions, just for good measure. Fat Dick drops the porkies into his copy with an accomplished nonchalance, but they are porkies nevertheless.
Let’s take it from the top, shall we? First of Dick’s claims is that “The world is about to enter a mini Ice Age”. It is? No, it isn’t. The scientists he cites, as I pointed out, made no connection between reduced sunspot activity and a cooling trend.

However, checking this against recent global temperatures, it can be seen that the temperature anomaly was still negative – a cooling trend – well into the 1970s. Sunspot activity has been declining, although temperature anomalies have since gone significantly positive – a warming trend.
Fat Dick then tells “Last time this happened, between 1645 and 1715, global temperatures plummeted”. What the scientists are considering is a solar cycle of eleven years, not 70. And temperatures did not “plummet”, although they were lower and winters more severe.
But Dick saves his biggest whopper for last: “The truth is that the world has actually been getting cooler in recent years”. Ah, the conjunction of “truth” and Littlejohn – if only it could come to pass.

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