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Monday 15 June 2020

Polecat Lockdown Breach - Lawyers Called In

While those in and around 10 Downing Street would rather everyone look at the prospect of new shopping opportunities now that the lockdown is being eased, one story threatens to explode back into life: the flagrant lockdown-busting trip to Durham, and “sightseeing” excursion to Barnard Castle, by chief polecat Dominic Cummings.
Nazir Afzal

Had alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson done the sensible thing and demanded Cummings’ resignation, it would all have blown over. But now, the Tories’ poll numbers have taken a hit, and Dom’s parents’ place where he and his family stayed has been called out for a planning permission breach and council tax avoidance.
It gets worse: former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal, having not obtained satisfactory answers to his questions on the Police investigation into The Flight Of The Polecat, has now joined in with other campaigners who are seeking reinvestigation of Cummings’ antics, and following that, a prosecution to show no-one is above the law.
Lawyer Mike Schwarz had already assertedIt seems, across the country that people believed Dominic Cummings broke the law, and put lives at risk, in what he did by leaving London, his conduct in Durham, his disregard for the spirit and letter of the regulations and his actions’ impact on public health messaging. The broad consensus of public opinion is that he broke the law on public health, and the entire weight of the State has been deployed to prevent proper investigation and proper due process”.
Nazir Afzal has now added to that his own thoughts. “When I witnessed the Prime Minister and others wrapping a shield around Dominic Cummings I was horrified. I watched him get the privilege of a press conference in the garden at 10 Downing Street when any other civil servant would be denied on pain of discipline or worse”. There was more.
Is it a coincidence 1000s of our fellow citizens looked at what he did & how he was allowed to avoid justice and decided that they too wouldn’t comply? Even more of a coincidence that PM altered the regulations prematurely to put us all at more risk almost immediately afterwards? We since learnt the Chief Nurse was not allowed to attend a Downing Street Briefing after she challenged the Govt’s line & saw the danger”. And more.
I then discovered 1000s of letters to the police asking for more information, even by MPs, have barely been acknowledged, never mind answered”. That is, at the very least, problematic. His conclusion? “So I’ve instructed Mike Schwarz of solicitors Hodge Jones & Allen & Counsel Matthew Ryder QC of Matrix chambers on behalf of all of us who want to get to the bottom of what happened and why. To better understand what police in Durham & London knew & what drove the decision making”. There is also a personal angle.
As the Guardian has reported, “Afzal’s older brother Umar died of coronavirus on 8 April while self-isolating at his home in Birmingham”. Meanwhile, Polecat Dom went swanning off across the country from one Covid-19 hotspot to an area that at the time was not.

Bozo The Clown and his pals want you to look over there at the nice bright shops. But even if you do need a little retail therapy - don’t take your eyes off the Polecat.
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Anonymous said...

Hope they nail Dim Dom to the wall for his law breaking. Lots of people were fined for travelling lesser distances. Then again they were all hoi polloi. One rule for the Dim Dom another for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the thousands of 'protesters' and ravers breaking lockdown get a free pass for why exactly. I'd sack the lot of them or expel them, but I doubt any work or attend to their education. And the few that do will have rung in sick today with housemaids knee!

Anonymous said...

What's the queue like at Primark, that's all the country is interested in.

Anonymous said...

At least we are queuing here and not looting like in the USA.

Derek said...

Dear Anon @12.22 ,
As you , Nixon , Clinton and Blair have stated at various times , The public says , ‘Let’s Move On !‘

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

Your disgusted of Tunbridge Wells thing is getting a bit tedious - still whatever works for you I suppose .....