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Sunday 14 June 2020

Fascist Scum Really Are Scum

This blog attempts to be as restrained as possible in its descriptions of those behaving badly on our streets, but after yesterday’s exhibition of fascist violence in central London - almost entirely unprovoked - it has to be called out for what it is. We have seen the dregs of humanity, unable or unwilling to join in with the rest of polite society, behave in ways that are not merely unacceptable - they are totally beyond the pale.
No comment ((c) Alamy News Media)

Black Lives Matter had withdrawn its protests, and so they were largely absent. The so-called “Patriots” - there’s a sick joke if ever there was one - had arrived in their hundreds, more than amply filled with beer even by mid-morning, claiming that they were protecting statues and monuments, but in reality wanting a fight with BLM. But the only other organised presence on the streets was the Metropolitan Police. So they fought them.
As pubs were closed, not only was there nowhere to get further tanked up without finding the nearest Tesco Metro or Sainsbury’s Local, there was nowhere to have a slash. So there was then the scene of mass Gammonati furtively relieving themselves.across the capital. One prize specimen, who may have already been identified, was photographed pissing on the memorial to PC Keith Palmer in Parliament Square.
Former prosecutor Nazir Afzal observed “I have always said: Far Right exploit victims to feed Hate. Whether it be victims of so called Grooming Gangs or Terrorism. What I didn’t know was they would piss on them if they could”. Tory MP Tobias Ellwood, who tried to save PC Palmer, added “Absolute shame on this man. Of all the images to emerge over these few testing days I find this one of most abhorrent. Please help identify him”.
Labour’s Thangam Debbonaire agreed. “PC Keith Palmer died protecting others and UK democracy, which allows for peaceful protest, unlike in dictatorships. You'd think people would exercise decency. Tobias tried to save Keith Palmer's life. The man in this photo is not defending anything. Please identify him”. Fortunately, the culprit has now turned himself in. But another of the far right scum remains at large.
Later yesterday, a group of white and male “Patriots” found themselves in Hyde Park, still without any BLM protesters to fight. Tom Norman filmed them. “Just as I entered Hyde Park so did this hoard. There isn’t even a protest on for them to protest against. Vile. Video blurred as I got pushed. Thankfully the [Met Police] arrived and they ran for the hills”.
Can you identify this creep? Tell the Met

One individual approached a group having a picnic. He spat at one young woman, and then kicked her violently. There was no excuse, no provocation. Steve Chambers mused “This is criminality, pure and simple. Although what is the punishment for menacingly disrupting a picnic?” One Tweeter culled some stills from Norman’s video: “Not great quality but somebody might know who he is.” That someone should dob him in.
Radio 4 presenter John Wilson summed it all up. “Pics of the day. Brave monument defender pisses on monument to a murdered policeman. Popeye the Stone Island Man winds his fists as he fearlessly launches himself at 5’ tall policewoman. Anti-picnic militia spit at girls drinking Prosecco. In-ger-land? No thanks”.

Restraint be buggered. What we saw yesterday was scum. Full stop, end of story.
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Anonymous said...

And the scum that threw a bike at a mounted female police officer so her horse bolted severely injuring her? Why did you choose to ignore last week's violence? Was it the right kind of anarchy I ask?

And let us be honest, what sort of screwed up society thinks that sticking 5 foot tall female police officers in the frontline is going to do the job? All in the name of the gods equality and diversity I suppose, I hope she took a knee first.

Anonymous said...

‘We are the people of England and we haven’t spoken yet’.

N said...

Anonymous 11:25, just because you have no friends and no one who cares for you, it doesn't mean you get to spout racist bullshit whenever you like.

Scum like you need to get a life. BLM have already won, you just don't seem to have realised yet. And there's nothing you or any of you far right, Nazi-saluting-at-Churchill freaks can do about it.

grim northerner said...

No, you're just fash appeasing scum, or just fash.

grim northerner said...

You've already lost mate, Britain is now permanently multi faith and multi ethnic, there's no going back now.

Anonymous said...

Even when public toilets are open, EDL scum prefer to do their business in the streets:


Doing their business outdoors is a common feature in any EDL gathering.

Dogs do what dogs do.