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Friday 5 June 2020

Digby Jones’ Royal Yacht - No. Just No

As the deadline for requesting an extension to the transition period approaches, so the attempts by all those jolly Brexiteers to divert attention from the fun and games that would accompany a no-deal Brexit intensify. And to show that the silly season has come early this year, alleged peer Digby Jones has joined calls for Her Majesty’s loyal subjects to open their wallets to raise a trifling £100 million for a new Royal Yacht.
This hokum is regularly wheeled out, and equally regularly wheeled back away. Had it been a credible idea, the 22 years since HMY Britannia was decommissioned would have seen it built. But, as so often, there was Christopher “No” Hope of the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph yesterday, plugging the idea once again.
Britain needs a new £100million Royal Yacht Britannia to provide 'morale boost' during coronavirus pandemic, former Trade minister Digby Jones tells this week's edition of Chopper's Politics podcast”. Digby Jones. A man who would not recognise economic hardship if it jumped up in front of him and kicked him in the undercarriage.
Nevertheless, he’s been prepared to claim “I don’t care what the politically correct ‘Liberal-ati’ from Metropolitan Islington say … it sells around the world like very few other things”, as the London Economic has reported, adding “Lord Jones said he hoped that the Duke of Cambridge would get on board with the plans”, an implicit admission that Prince Charles has already passed on the idea. So the proposal is going nowhere.
Still, Jones’ whizzo wheeze has been supported by the Tories’ own professional deadweight Mark François (note cedilla under the c), who has spluttered “Economically, we cannot tax our way out of Covid-19 so we will have to grow our way out, in which case a new royal yacht, as a floating embassy, but with strict biosecurity measures built in [rules you out, matey], would be a real asset in helping British business showcase ourselves”.
Sadly, the reaction from the Hoi Polloi was less enthusiastic, but perhaps more realistic, with Otto English musing “Yeah a new Royal Yacht will sort out Britain's catastrophic tail spin into oblivion and irrelevance. Well done Digby Jones. Finger on the fucking button”, while Matt Black added “Digby Jones can be the Gulag trampoline. That'll boost morale more than his royal yacht”. Cruel. Cruel but fair. And there was more.
R D Hale couldn’t take the idea seriously. “The Tories are calling for a new royal yacht Britannia to lift public spirits during the pandemic? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people?” while James O’Brien asked “If Digby Jones said that we should spend £100 million on a mile-high KerPlunk to ‘boost morale’, would the Telegraph report it with a straight face?” Given the paper’s descent into desperation, they just might.
Jane Haynes of Birmingham Live suggested “Lord Digby Jones of Birmingham needs to run this plan by the people of Lozells or Alum Rock or Yardley or Acocks Green and see how high up their community wish list a royal bloody yacht is”. And for the view from Europe, Jakob Krupa concluded “50,000+ deaths from global pandemic & counting … Expected mass unemployment … Major economic downturn on the horizon. No one: Absolutely no one: Digby Jones: let's build a £100m yacht”. So that’s a no, then.

Why is the Telegraph losing sales so rapidly? I couldn’t possibly comment.
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Steve Woods said...

How these right-wing idiots think giving an unelected head of state a new plaything at our expense constitutes a "morale boost" for the great unwashed defies all logic.

It's very fortunate such nonsense is cowering behind a paywall.

Andy McDonald said...

Same mentality as behind "Clean for the Queen".

While I don't doubt the personal popularity of Brenda, and am fairly sure that many of the younger ones have their hearts in the right place (albeit still viewing life through a diamond prism), I do have to wonder at the constant appeals to this imaginary royalist section of the population that they picture furiously pleasuring themselves at the slightest glimpse of ermine.

grim northerner said...

Ship of fools

Jonathan said...

Its all about Diggers and other rightwing idiots harking back to a mythical golden era that never existed..
Doubt William & Kate fancy the furore of the public, even they know it's a waste of money, and a folly,.

Anonymous said...

There's no point to Jones.

Like, say, Shapps* (amongst many others), he's just a fucking moron.

*Which cupboard-visiting rictus-grinning meff has started to grow his hair the Bozo way. Comical, really.

AndyC said...

Just what we need right now, a resurrected Brexiter fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Bing-a-bang-a-Bob-fer-brexit .... the eagle has landed once again on the planet stupid

Anonymous said...

The real Marc Francois’s ...


The toffee (597) said...

The worst part is, they'd probably give the contract to a foreign company.

Anonymous said...

Quite apart from big business shedding jobs like they're going out of fashion, there has to be one or two understanding the bad PR that dumping staff while spending millions on this fantasy would bring.

Or probably not...

Arnold said...

He added: “Let’s get it bought in for the whole country, it is not an elitist thing and it is not an old age thing – this is something that 13 year old, 14 year old teenagers could relate to as well.”

I'm 73 and I think it's a load of bollocks.

N said...

This type of idiotic idea always floors me. I doubt the Royals want a new boat anyway, or care about Jones' pathetic pronouncements of faux-patriotic piffle.

iMatt said...

If Digby "Pud Pud" Jones wants a Britannia Mk2 for Liz Windsor, he could start with putting his hands in his own pocket. Being such a fantastic 'business guru', I'm sure he could rally around and get other wealthy types to do likewise. Given the fact that the original Britannia has not been replaced and Jones has raised not a single £, a replacement cannot be that much of a priority.

Andy McDonald said...

Funny thing about Jones is that he's not actually a businessman. He's a lawyer who spent a year as a non-executive director of a company that went bust, and otherwise was simply a convenor of regional business groups. What he actually knows about running a business is next to nothing.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for crowdfunding an iceberg.

Anonymous said...

Crack open another pork-barrel.