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Friday 12 August 2016

Simon Danczuk Arrest Imminent

Rochdale’s nominally Labour MP Simon Danczuk has of late faced censure over his “sexting” of a 17-year-old girl, been ordered to pay back thousands of pounds in over-claimed expenses, had an historic claim of rape made against him, faced rumours as to what nearly got him thrown out of a town centre pub one weekend, and then seen himself splashed all over the papers for a brief affair with another young woman.
He is still in post, though, and still has not been so much as arrested, let alone charged with any offence. Indeed, the Police will take no further action over the “sexting”, although that got him suspended from the Labour Party, and he is highly likely to find himself expelled when the decision is finally made and all the appeals available to him have run their course. And the Police aren’t finished with him yet.

This is not unconnected to the Manchester Evening News headline from last January which toldRochdale MP Simon Danczuk reported to police over his expenses claims”, going on to explain “[he] appears to have claimed more than £25,000 in extra accommodation allowances since 2011 for his children, despite none of them living with him in London … It is understood he has not seen two of them for several years … He has now been reported to both Greater Manchester Police and the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority”. IPSA made him pay back a five-figure amount.

The paper later reported that “IPSA will also pass the issue to Greater Manchester Police if it has any ‘suspicions’ a criminal offence has taken place … IPSA wrote to Rochdale Liberal Democrats - who had reported Mr Danczuk to the authority - confirming it was to open an investigation after his expenses claims hit the headlines last month”.

Well, IPSA has now concluded its business in this area, and it can be revealed that the body has indeed passed the issue on to Greater Manchester Police. The word is that GMP are now very close indeed to arresting Spanker Si over what is called Misuse Of Public Funds, those being the funds that We The People pony up through our taxes.

Not only that, there could be further problems in this area for Danczuk, as I observed in June. He has been submitting claims for “crisis management”, which the Sun has picked up on, but the paper did not mention the name of the “consultant” concerned. As I said at the time, “My information is that the name blanked out is none other than that of Matt Baker”. Baker, I was told, was still working occasionally for Danczuk.

Moreover, it was put to me that a complaint had been made regarding the “crisis management” invoice. Whether this will also result in some attention from the law enforcement authorities is not known, although we can be fairly certain that Spanker Si will not be asking Fame Flynet to send a snapper to wait outside the Police station where he intends to go in order to have his little chat - and get arrested.

Expect Danczuk to be arrested imminently. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow.


Anonymous said...

I bet Sweet Pants is rubbing his, er, hands in the hope of receiving some tips from Sexy Si.

Oo er, missus. Or something.

rob said...

A by election now would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

He might have avoided some of the need for crisi management if he hadn't 'papped' himself ? It has been claimed that following his last questioning at a police station he called pap with details of which police station he was at and which door he would be released from - he apparently received a fee for the tip off.

Anonymous said...

"Expect Danczuk to be arrested imminently. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow." - let's hope this happens; and if it doesn't, that SD is not feeling litigious.

Harry Ryder said...

Can't believe they're allowed to claim for "crisis management" on bloody expenses!