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Monday 19 August 2019

Brexit Party’s Anti-Semitism Crisis

After Brexit Party chairman Richard Tice began legal proceedings against Femi Oluwole for asking “How have we allowed the Brexit Party to be seen as a tolerant party when its Chairman, Richard Tice, founded an overtly anti-Jewish organisation?”, it was clear that the latest vehicle for the personal advancement of Nigel “Thirsty” Farage was sensitive to bigotry related accusations. They must be positively smarting today.
That is because Hope Not Hate has revealedtwo Brexit Party MEPs and a prospective parliamentary candidate (PPC) have appeared on the Richie Allen Show, a David Icke-affiliated radio broadcast that serves as an online platform for antisemitic conspiracy theorists and Holocaust deniers”. Whoops! And there was more.

Ann Widdecombe MEP appeared on the show three times between August 2017 and April 2019, David Bull MEP appeared on the show as recently as 30 April 2019, and Stuart Waiton, PPC for Dundee West and an unsuccessful MEP candidate in Scotland, made five appearances between 27 June 2018 and 9 May 2019”. Bull has also been adopted as the party’s PPC for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich.
Squeaky InfoWars baggage finger up the bum time

So what does this show get up to? “Allen has also hosted numerous antisemites and Holocaust deniers on his show, and has himself questioned the numbers of Jews that died in the Holocaust. Brexit Party figures have appeared on the same episodes as racist and antisemitic guests, such as alt-right white nationalist Lana Lokteff, and antisemitic 9/11 ‘Truther’ Kevin Barrett”. There was also bad news for Widders.

Widdecombe’s first appearance came on 15 August 2017, while the show was still broadcast on [David] Icke’s website. The following guest on that episode was Kevin Barrett, a regular on both Allen’s show and on the Iranian state network PressTV, and a contributor to the antisemitic conspiracy theory magazine American Free Press, founded by the nazi WIllis Carto. Barrett, who believes that Israeli plotters were behind 9/11, has also questioned the Holocaust”. And how about David Bull?
Bull appeared on the show on 30 April 2019, tweeting that the experience was a ‘pleasure’ and linking to his interview via the website Conspiracy Daily Update (a site which contains numerous links to the show of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and nazi Mark Collett) … The following guest on the episode was Lana Lokteff, the American white nationalist and co-host of Red Ice Radio, the premier media outlet of the alt-right”.

All that comes on top of Farage appearing on Alex Jones’ InfoWars - from the LBC studio, with the branding clearly visible. This is what Mr Thirsty told Jones about “the left”: “They hate Christianity. They deny absolutely our Judeo-Christian culture [?] … which … are the roots of our nations and our civilisation … and don’t forget Alex, they want to abolish the nation state! They want to replace it with a Globalist project [anti-Semitic dog whistle] and the European Union is the prototype for the New World Order”.
The more the investigations dig, the more highly unfortunate details they unearth. Will Tice be suing Hope Not Hate for exposing the wacko wanderings of his MEPs? Or does he wait until the next MEP or PPC is exposed as not quite as pure as the driven snow?

The Brexit Party may not deal in anti-Semitism. But you can see it from there.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might know dear old Annie Widdecombe's name would show up at the same time as antisemitism.

She is, after all, a member of the Catholic Church. A dominant religious faction* whose virulent antisemitism is a centuries old matter of public record - high ranking members, including various Popes, of which actually collaborated with nazis, fascists and falangists in perpetrating the Holocaust. Full details can be found in Dan Goldhagen's 2002 book A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair. She also attacked Howard (who is of course Jewish) when he ran for leadership of the tories.

If all that's not bad enough she also has a voice like a leaky bicycle pump.

A very strange woman indeed. Perfectly suited for the Brexit crackpots.

*Not that the Protestants are any better.