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Saturday 31 August 2019

Cummings Sacked Saj Aide FOR NOTHING

After being summarily dismissed and marched out of Downing Street with a Police escort on Thursday evening, there has still been no comment from Sonia Khan, the aide to Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid. And today’s papers give us a good idea why that might be: it seems our alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson’s chief polecat Dominic Cummings has had her sacked on very little evidence at all.
As the BBC has reported, Polecat Dom and his posse have been investigating the leaking of those Operation Yellowhammer documents. That investigation does not seem to have gone at all well: “A Downing Street source had previously pointed the finger for the leak at an unnamed former minister, prompting the then chancellor, Philip Hammond, to write to Mr Johnson and ask him to ‘apologise for the misleading briefing from No 10’”.

So Dom and Co thought it was Spreadsheet Phil. They got that one wrong. So then they accused Ms Khan: ”At the meeting with Mr Cummings, Ms Khan, who worked under Mr Hammond, handed over both her personal and work phones, and her phone logs were checked … Evidence was found that she had been in touch with former colleagues who had worked for Mr Hammond, but not that she had been involved in leaking any sensitive government information”. That’s not sufficient grounds to have her sacked.
Sonia Khan

The Beeb’s account is backed up by the Murdoch Times: “A senior Government source said that she was not being held responsible for the leak of the Operation Yellowhammer contingency plans for no-deal Brexit”. Cummings’ reason for having her sacked is now “claiming she had misled him over contact with Philip Hammond”.

That, of course, would depend what Cummings asked her, and how she replied. Had he asked if she’d leaked the Yellowhammer stuff, then the reply “No” would have been truthful and correct. And unless Polecat Dom had been precise in his request as to what she had said, and to whom, he’s going to be on very shaky ground come the legal blowback.
Cummings should remember that his dishonesty has already appeared on the radar of independent-minded journalists, not least Peter Oborne, who has toldI am now planning a new book, probably to be called The Triumph Of Political Lying … Principally, the guilty men, I believe, are No 10’s top strategist, Dominic Cummings - who, like [Alastair] Campbell, is unelected - other Downing Street spokesmen and some Cabinet ministers. And, I am afraid to say, Boris Johnson himself”. Bozo lying? Colour me not surprised.

Ho tells “since Johnson became Prime Minister, I have been collecting a dossier of his administration’s lies”, and goes on to note that Bozo The Clown and his pals lied about the proroguing of Parliament, and lied about the Yellowhammer leaks. Given the level of control Cummings enjoys, it is inconceivable that he was not involved in the lying.
The idea that Polecat Dom’s word can be trusted is laughable. Yet that is what underpins the dismissal of Sonia Khan. And that is why she is not commenting thus far, but most likely has already consulted lawyers, and most likely will sue.

Dominic Cummings to appear in court to defend his behaviour? No way. When Ms Khan’s unfair dismissal case arrives on Bozo’s doorstep, Downing Street will fold. She should right now be thinking of a number. And making sure it’s a very large number indeed.
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Randall Northam said...

Why was she escorted out by a police officer? This seems an abuse as well. You keep in touch with former workmates and the Old Bill feels your collar because a government aide tells them to? She should sue the Met as well. And the Met should sue no. 10.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if by chance Cummings has bumped into the serving general who threatened treason against Corbyn......It does sound like the same crackpot far right mentality......

Anonymous said...

Apparently it's to do with them having taken her pass off her which meant they had to follow procedure to escort her to the gate. Would happen with anyone without a Downing Street pass.

Unknown said...

He seems racist to me and Boris Johnson should sack him and then he will know how it feels to ruin someone's career.

Jonathan said...

Sacking her summarily for the crime of talking to a former government colleague then using an armed member of the London Fuzz to escort her off Downing Street on the wishes of Gollum lookilikey.
Let's hope that Sonia has at least 2 years service under her belt, then if so, a very skilled employment lawyer or even QC will be telling the Government's Legal Service to open up the chequebook and start at £300k plus.
Could go as high as 500k if Government wants to fight it in a Tribunal which not only embarrassing, could expose Cummings as unreliable.
It's an open and shut case, a doddle for any half decent employment lawyer.

The Saj is on his way out.. Soon