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Sunday 3 March 2013

Top Six – March 3

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I’ve places to go and people to see. So there.

6 Press Sits There And Does Nothing – Again They all knew about Chris Rennard, but only after Channel 4 News broke the story. Once again, it was left to the broadcast media to do the investigative journalism.

5 Delingpole’s Hilarious Eastleigh Excuses James “saviour of Western civilisation” Delingpole gave his verdict on why the Tories lost in Eastleigh. One of his five points was based on dishonest interpretation and the other four were irrelevant. No change there, then.

4 Paul Dacre – Pants On Fire The Daily Mail’s legendarily foul mouthed editor laid claim to the moral high ground in his attack on the Lib Dems. But his grasp on reality was shaky, and it was not difficult to spot the real reason for the rant – Dacre is frightened at possibly losing control of the press regulator.

3 The Eight Billion Pound Miss Why would the press ignore the success story, that a British company had generated eight billion pounds’ worth of business for the economy? Simples. Because that company is called the BBC.

2 Beer Duty Campaign – Why You Should Not Sign The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) enthused about a new campaign against a rise in beer duty. This was most unwise, as the campaign had originated with the so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance, who have form for all sorts of other less than benevolent campaigning.

1 Huhne And The Judge This post, from last October, became popular again after Judge Constance Briscoe’s role in the Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce affair became known.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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