Welcome To Zelo Street!

This is a blog of liberal stance and independent mind

Thursday 17 March 2016

Seven Up Today

Can I have been sitting here typing away for seven years now? It seems I can: it is exactly seven years since the first Zelo Street post. The audience then was rather smaller than today’s - it wasn’t until later the following year that the Twitter feed started, with a Facebook presence following in early 2012.
The kinds of subjects featured in the first few months were pretty much the same as nowadays: Zelo Street majored on the Phone Hacking scandal from the word go, mused on the shortcomings of London’s increasingly occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, exposed the lack of honesty that is Network Rail, observed the vanity of newspaper owners like Richard “Dirty” Desmond, and called out the likes of the so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance.

Today the blog is still taking press owners and their editors to task on a regular basis, together with pointing up the rank hypocrisy of the Fourth Estate in attacking the BBC while using the Corporation’s programmes to generate pages of copy and online clickbait.

And I make no apology for backing moves for genuinely independent regulation of the press, nor for finding adversely on the whining and bleating hacks who have taken to talking well, but lying badly, about the Leveson Inquiry and its subsequent proposals. It is not a coincidence that the Hacked Off campaign is supported wholeheartedly here on Zelo Street.

Will there be a pause in blogging to mark the seventh anniversary? You jest. It is, as with every day, business as usual. Zelo Street isn’t going away any time soon. As Mrs T once said, JUST REJOICE AT THAT NEWS.


Anonymous said...


As you know, I'm only a recent commenter on your blog.

But I intend to stay around for as long as you post.

That's because you're one of comparatively few who have the courage to expose in detail the lies and hypocrisy of mainstream bribed and corrupt hacks.

So well done for seven years effort and ability. Thanks for your contribution. Long may it continue.

mbc1955 said...

Congratulations, Tim, the work you do is invaluable.

I wish even more people read - and more importantly thought about - the stuff you uncover. It's not even as if it needs immense effort to uncover: it's just that the press is dedicated to lies and distortion.

AndyC said...

Happy birthday.

rob said...

It was seven years ago today
Tim started Zelo Street to sway
Those disaffected readers from
Crap journos he fillets with aplomb

So let me say this today
As you continue on your merry way
Fill up your cup with something a bit stronger than 7 up!

pete c said...

More power to your keyboard.

I particularly relish how you make me recall the heady days of circa 40 years ago - when localised Free Press papers were to be found in all corners of the land.

And nationally there was Ink, Seven Days, and cartloads of left and anarchist sheets of all persuasions.

(Steps back whilst younger readers scratch their heads in puzzlement).

Unknown said...

congratulations on reaching 7 years and I hope you achieve many more

Anonymous said...

Well done on reaching 7!

Only been following for 12-18 months, but I look forward to the daily filleting of those who are part of the establishment.

BTW - if you haven't heard yesterday's R4 Media Show around 16:50 there was a discussion about IPSO and the current 'independent' review.

Matt said...

Congrats Tim. I've been a avid reader for the past 3 years. I admire your tenacity and research in highlighting the many injustices in our current system and holding people to account whilst are free press happily ignore them and indeed protect them.
With the knowledge you have garnered its easy to become despondent, but you manage to put your points across in an amusing concise way.
Much respect to you.

Facing both ways said...

Here's to another 7 years. Thank you for all your posts.

Andy McDonald said...

Good stuff Tim, keep fighting the good fight.

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns, Mr F -- keep on buggering on (WSC).

Anonymous said...

Bugger off now and disappoint those of us who genuinely appreciate independent comment and analysis. I'm looking forward to the next 7, then the next 7. And the next....