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Monday 1 July 2019

Brexit Party MEP’s Strasbourg Stupidity

After their moment of triumph in elections to the European Parliament, the Brexit Party’s new MEPs are settling in to their new routine. Some of them are not at all happy about it, not least David Bull, who was elected to represent North-West England, but who lives somewhere in Suffolk. Bull has discovered that attending the European Parliament involves travelling to mainland Europe. Wow! Who knew?
As a result of his discovery, Bull, who you can tell as he’s a Doctor, has made a video in which he passes severely adverse comment on the reality of his having to travel from Ipswich to Strasbourg. The length of his commute is clearly weighing heavily upon him. Alistair Carmichael, who represents Orkney and Shetland for the Lib Dems, was unavailable for comment. As were other Scots and Northern Irish MPs.
Here’s the bull that Dr Bull has been shipping on the subject of his commute. “Well, good morning, it’s … Monday morning and this is the beginning of my trip to Strasbourg. So it’s eight hours and as you can see, here is the first of the many trains. So this is Ipswich to London Liverpool Street, then after that I have to go from London Liverpool Street to King’s Cross. From King’s Cross I then have to go to Paris”. And there was more.
From Paris I then have to change stations. I then have to go from Paris to Strasbourg, and I arrive [at] something like 20 to 7 tonight. I left home already at eight O’Clock this morning, having got in at midnight, and I’m going to have to do this repeatedly. For some reason, Parliament seems to be in a very inaccessible place”. Aw DIDDUMS!
Leaving aside for one moment the fact that, unless he were to fly, Carmichael would have to get the ferry from Stromness to Scrabster Pier, a connecting bus to Thurso, a train to Inverness and then the Caledonian Sleeper to Euston (which is a far slower and rather more arduous journey than Bull is undertaking), Bull is seriously overplaying his hand.
Because, One, travel from Liverpool Street to King’s Cross St Pancras (note that the Eurostar goes from St Pancras) is just four stops on a modern air-conditioned Underground train. For which he can thank Ken Livingstone. Two, the Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est in Paris are adjacent to one another. And Three, there are sometimes connections at Lille Europe, in which case he doesn’t have to go via Paris.
On top of that, he’s representing North West England. So what’s he doing in Ipswich? Note: this also applies to other Brexit Party MEPs, for instance Claire Fox. The thought also enters that he should try taking the train from, oh I dunno, Lisbon, Algeciras, Naples, Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Sofia, Krakow, or Stockholm.

The hint is in the word “European”. So it was no surprise when Max the Spiller of Tea retorted “Are you some kind of cretin? What the fuck were you expecting when you stood for election to the EU Parliament? That they’d move it to fucking Slough?” Ulrich Tromm helpfully found Bull a connection via Lille Europe. So was Bull thankful for this?
Was he heck. “No one should be in Strasbourg. Democracy has been overridden”. If democracy has been overridden, how the merry fuck did you get elected, then? But we do know that the Brexit Party’s MEPs “are going to cause a stink”. To which Jonathan Mock replied simply “Thanks for confirming that the Brexit Party Ltd stinks”. Indeed it does.
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Anonymous said...

He won't get paid if he doesn't turn up, which is presumably why he's dragging his sorry carcase over to Strasbourg with his podgy hand held out. I wonder if he's tried getting from Suffolk to the North-West yet?

Arnold said...

I can see his point. EU expenses should go into UKIP/BP coffers and not to train and ferry companies.

gillette said...

Sadky, Dr bullshit, managed to find his way to Benidorm! Sadly!

Anonymous said...

You might as well shout up a back alley as try to talk common sense to a Brexiteer.

If that's his line of "logic" gawd knows how reliable are his diagnoses.

Unknown said...

He's not even a Doctor any more. His medical licence expired in May.

rob said...

According to wiki he never completed his training in the NHS because it was too "tough".

He appears to be one of those rent a mouth cleb TV presenters now without any specialist knowledge. Just right for the Brexit Party.

Anonymous said...

He is shown as "registered but without a licence to practise" according to the GMC.

Anonymous said...

If as Farage has claimed, the Brexit party has a full slate of candidates for the whenever forthcoming General election the good Doctor's brainpower doesn't bode well for their quality.

awh1956 said...

He used to make a lot of money in the States, didn't here him moaning about that commute.

iMatt said...

Given how David Bull is openly gay, I wonder how he feels sharing a platform with the homophobic bigot Anne Widdecombe?