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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Don’t Menshn Heat Street Is Screwed

One thing you have to understand when running a blog, and especially when pushing a website along with its brand image, is to know and be sensitive to your audience. This consideration informs media outlets across the political spectrum. Challenging your audience is one thing. But deceiving them and taking them for fools is quite another. And one Murdoch protégé has just been revealed to have been doing both.
(c) Doc Hackenbush 2014

Zelo Street regulars will recall that (fortunately) former Tory MP Louise Mensch, inexplicably given her own website by the Murdoch mafiosi, used her social media following and any other means she could muster to attack those who had reported on the sexist faux pas of scientist Tim Hunt at a lunch in South Korea. During her campaign of vilification against anyone of differing view, she attracted many more supporters.
These included the GamerGate mob, whom Ms Mensch had also backed, and other elements of what is known as the Alt Right - including the likes of pro-am creep Milo Yiannopoulos. This crowd has backed Crybaby Combover Donald Trump in the upcoming US Presidential Election, but Ms Mensch has correctly identified Trump as a fraud and bigot. That much is allowed, though: it is merely challenging her audience.
But now Wikileaks has caught her going a lot further - not merely expressing a preference for Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, but actively assisting her campaign. Her email, to Michael Kives, had been forwarded on by Kives to three other recipients; it contained a scenario for a TV ad for Hill’s campaign. Kives added in his forwarding “I like this idea … (Louise is a former Conservative British MP. Very smart)”.
She shamelessly name drops as she tells “As you will know from Arnold [Schwarzenegger] I am a committed Republican (or would be if I had the vote this year). But I worry no end about Donald Trump becoming our President ... much rather have your girl Hillary” and makes her pitch thus: “Her competence and intelligence are beyond doubt, her problem is warmth.  If I may, here is an ad I would love to see run”.
This is not merely challenging her audience, it is giving it the finger. So what has Ms Mensch done in response? “A criminal offence in U.K. to hack emails and I find myself in the happy position of being able to make a criminal complaint vs #Assange”. THE EMAIL, EVEN IF HACKED, WAS NOT HERS. Then she doubles down on the stupidity.
Hi @DavidAllenGreen I may need your able assistance in filing a criminal data protection complaint”. SHE JUST OUTED HER ENGLISH LAWYER OVER AN OPEN TWITTER FEED. Can it get yet worse? Oh yes it can: “This is so great. Another woman a victim of criminality by Julian #Assange and I certainly will file a criminal complaint tomorrow”. YOU HAVE NO COMPLAINT. IT’S NOT YOUR EMAIL THEY PUBLISHED.

Louise Mensch’s website has just been devalued rather more than Sterling’s recent collapse, and all she can do is Wibble about making a complaint about it. She was pandering to the GamerGate and Alt Right mob at the same time as giving encouragement to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential bid. She and Heat Street are seriously damaged goods.

And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving individual. Bye bye Heat Street.


J said...

Lets be honest Shit Street was only ever intended to be used as a "previously published in" method of putting out Murdcocks bile. The likes of the S*n, and others, could then honestly say it was published elsewhere even if the story was known to be false and they just ran with it afterwards saying "oops sorry, my bad, was a copy story, not our fault". I bet the structuring is highly complicated, to make sure that only Shit Street and Mensch gets into trouble if anyone sues it... absolving/protecting Murdcock and his "proper" (and I use the term advisedly) media publications.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, I think she probably brought David Allen Green into it not because he's her legal representative but because he's an English lawyer and journalist with whom she often tries to argue on Twitter.