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Monday 23 March 2020

Boris Johnson IS Sergeant Wilson

The manner, the demeanour, the message, from yesterday’s Downing Street press conference could have come straight out of Dad’s Army: “I say, would you people mind just doing what these guidelines of ours say? You would? That’s awfully kind of you”. The problem is that alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is not supposed to be playing it for laughs, and his entreaties are falling on deaf ears.
What that means was plain to see at the weekend: hordes of people ignoring social distancing guidelines and converging on public parks, markets, supermarkets, retail outlets (non-essential ones still not closed - why not?), and others getting in their cars to travel to, and crowd out, tourist sites across the country. Bozo is a shambles, his messaging is a shambles, its enforcement is a shambles, therefore the Covid-19 response is a shambles.
Just, er, fall in, would you, chaps?

Peter Walker of the Guardian observed “Centrepiece of Boris Johnson's No 10 press conference seems to be to explain the plan to shield 1.5m medically vulnerable people, as briefed to Sunday papers almost 24 hours ago. I fear this is not the proactive response many people are looking for”. Walker also noted Bozo’s Sergeant Wilson tendency.
Again, Johnson's entreaties for people to socially distance are framed as a friendly reminder, with constant reminders about how inconvenient it all is. This is a stark contrast to the messaging from others, eg doctors, Sadiq Khan etc. I'm not sure the No 10 approach is working”. All those weekend gatherings confirm it’s not working.
Sonia Purnell, who knows Bozo, asked “Why the hell aren’t they 2 metres apart at today’s Press conference? Where is the complete list of underlying conditions? Why is it all so half hearted and amateur? Where is the leadership?” Jonathan Freedland added “Johnson still so tentative, so reluctant. Still speaking of ‘advice’, as if social distancing is optional rather than essential to save lives. If he can't deliver this message, then get him away from that podium. And launch a blanket public information campaign NOW”.
Jess Brammar of the HuffPost identified the Bozo paradox. “Boris Johnson: the general principle should be that we all as far as we possibly can stay home. Boris Johnson 5 mins earlier: it's very important that people have to be able to go out and exercise”. Owen Jones despaired. "This Boris Johnson press conference is a classic example of conflicting and confused messaging, a lack of urgency, as he talks warmly about people going out to enjoy themselves, and he frankly looks inconvenienced by all of this. What a mess”.
The Tweeter known as Brexit Bin concluded “He sounds like a jaded house master at a public school telling the boys that they really shouldn't take the short cut over the rugger field when it's raining because it makes the dormitory parquet awfully muddy”. And Jim Pickard of the FT pointed up the problem: “the self-evident truth is that being in charge of this situation doesn’t sit easily with Johnson’s libertarian instincts and desire to be liked”.
Sadly, this crisis is not about being liked. It is about showing some leadership and assuming responsibility for the situation. Compare and contrast Bozo’s diffidence with Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez stating unequivocally “I am the prime minister and I assume all responsibility”. Johnson has the job he wanted; he needs to knuckle down and do it.

Sergeant Wilson never took the difficult decisions. Looks like Bozo is on the same track.
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[The Legalballs Fund has now closed]


Anonymous said...

No food in shops.

Thank fuck for council foodbanks...

Anonymous said...

What's all the fuss about, Tim?

We all knew before what a stupid cunt he is. That's on top of his lies, hypocrisy and Bullingdon pig head fucking.

He'll never change, nor will the tories.

Just wait until they present the invoice. You didn't REALLY think this was going to be anything other than yet another "opportoonity" to scam willing mugs did you? Seriously?

rob said...

****The Crazy Gang at large?****

Stay people, stay people
Stay home stay
Don't give Cummings his target for today
He'll get by without his rabbit foot
So stay people, stay home people stay!

Hey peoples, hey peoples!
Stay right there
Hey peoples, say people!
Can't you hear?
You sure have to make it through this year
So people, oh people
Stay at home there
So right, don't infect us
Sit down dear
There'll come time for a lockdown soon I fear
So stay home peoples, stay home peoples

(h/t Noel Gay)

Anonymous said...

What did they expect? Look after number one and sod the rest of 'em has been the Tory motto all along, and now the country is behaving like orders are for other people!
Of course, it would be easier if the weather played along...

grim northerner said...

Don't panic!!!

Ted said...

Who's Captain Mainwaring in this scenario...?