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Wednesday 12 June 2019

Tory Party Is Institutionally Racist

While many in the right-leaning part of our free and fearless press, and their pals within the Westminster bubble, continue the charade of calling “Racist” on Jeremy Corbyn and anyone who dares show support for him, it is becoming clear that the political party with the undeniable and deeply rooted racism problem is the Tories.
This was demonstrated for all to see this week after the Muslim Council of Britain called out The Blue Team for what it termed "fundamental failures" in tackling Islamophobia. Thee was more: “Its head of public affairs, Miqdaad Versi, said he had seen ‘hundreds of cases’ within the party, ‘demonstrating the scale of the problem’. When action was taken, he claimed the offending members were ‘quietly let back into the party’”.
More ominously for Brandon Lewis and his pals, “[The MCB] has formally asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission to investigate accusations of Islamophobia in the Tory Party, claiming it ‘runs deep’ … The watchdog said it was considering complaints in line with its ‘usual processes’”. The likelihood of an investigation is now significant.
Why that should be is not hard to understand. As Shehab Khan of ITV News observed, “I'm told the Tories MISSED the deadline set by the EHRC to respond to their request for more information following a ‘number of complaints’ about Islamophobia within the Party. The deadline was 7 June and Tories have instead ‘asked for an extension’”.
To which the Tweeter known as Mates Jacob has responded “Let me guess: the information they asked for would not only reveal the gross negligence of the complaints department, but also the dishonesty of senior party figures who’ve lied about it”. And they had more to say about the Tories’ stalling on this issue.
The EHRC gave Tory HQ a whole month to comply with their request for information. The Tories have now missed the deadline, either because: A) the requested info is incriminating, or B) they’re grossly incompetent. Either way, a formal EHRC investigation is clearly needed … If their complaints department couldn’t compile this information on time for such a high-profile and serious matter as an EHRC request, it reinforces the argument that they’ve been failing to properly investigate dozens if not hundreds of other less high-profile complaints”. And, right on cue, came more disturbing news for the Tories.
As Sunder Katwala observed, “The v.aggressive angry man who disrupted the Bruges Group/Esther McVey event shouted that he was a ‘paid up member of the Cons party’ … I don't know if he was telling the truth about that. He is an anti-semite with many prejudices … I hope [Tory HQ] will quickly look into whether or not it is true Graham Moore is a member. (It’s v.possible he might not be telling the truth). The party should have nothing to do with him, based on that behaviour, & his anti-semitism & other prejudices”.
You know, Tories and press pals, anti-Semitism - the racism you all claim only occurs in the Labour Party. Except, time and again, when Islamophobia is exhibited, it does not take long before it is seen being accompanied by anti-Semitism.

If the EHRC has to investigate Labour, then it has no choice but to do the same with the Tories. The Blue Team is, all too clearly, institutionally racist. I’ll just leave that one there.
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Anonymous said...

Watch corporate media give this no more than a passing pat on the head.

Rather similar to Maybot at the joint "press conference" with the Yank spiv. In which her first invited "questioner" was the far right Murdochite Sky propagandist Rigby, who promptly turned it into an attack on Jeremy Corbyn. It was so rigged with planted propaganda it should have been retitled Gardeners Question Time.

"Media corruption" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Jonathan said...

Switch off the lamestream media, its so bleeding obvious it's been captured by the Tories.