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Sunday 16 June 2019

The President Is A Racist Bigot

As the BBC reported yesterday, “Police have made 14 arrests after five separate attacks in London left three men dead and three others injured in the space of 24 hours”. Two of those fatalities were victims of stabbings, while the other had been shot dead. However, the number of murders in the capital so far this year, at 56, is significantly lower than the 77 recorded by this time last year. But violent crime remains a serious concern.
Donald, where's yer hairspray?

So it was that London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan “was focused on supporting the city's communities and ‘over-stretched’ emergency services”. But one of his critics was unhappy. Pro-am motormouth Katie Hopkins, a racist bigot of no known self-awareness, moaned “20 hours in Stab-City UPDATE … 2 stabbed to death … 1 shot dead … Three stabbed - but not dead … Wandsworth & Tower Hamlets … This is Khan’s Londonistan”.
It was all those Scary Muslims™! If only Hatey Katie could have a proper White British Mayor instead! But the abuse was only beginning: over in the USA, Combover Crybaby Donald Trump, who claims to be President of the USA, openly endorsed the Tweet (no, he doesn’t follow her), adding “LONDON needs a new mayor ASAP. Khan is a disaster - will only get worse!” The Donald is still sore about his reception the other week.
And he wasn’t finished. After Jessica Fletcher of the Daily Caller snarked “Khan is the reason I don’t feel like visiting London anytime soon” (one less bigot to deal with, then), Trump was off again. “He is a national disgrace who is destroying the City of London!” Thus Trump shows he does not understand the difference between London the capital city, and the City of London, a rather smaller and less residentially populated area.
Also, The Donald’s liking for the Daily Caller - he follows its founder Tucker Carlson on Twitter - is worrying. This is a site infamous for climate change denial, fake stories, links to white supremacists, encouraging violence against peaceful protesters, and the inevitable racist bigotry, especially against Muslim Americans.
That’s on top of his clearly racially fuelled feud with Sadiq Khan, who has had to deal with the mess left by his occasional predecessor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, tackling crime with a Police force decimated by cuts imposed by the Tories and happily waved through by Bozo Bozza. And on crime, Trump is plain flat wrong.
He said last year of Khan “I think he has done a bad job on crime, if you look, all of the horrible things going on there, with all of the crime that is being brought in”. The number of homicides in New York City is around three times that of London - they are cities of roughly comparable size. Washington DC had more murders in 2018, and is a rather smaller city than London. So that’s for some value of “[he] is a disaster”.
The reality is that Trump is only going after Sadiq Khan because (a) Khan has called him out on his (then) proposed Muslim travel ban, and (b) because he is not white. The Trump ego cannot handle criticism, and the man’s a racist bigot - the second part is confirmed by his endorsing Katie Hopkins. That’s one step short of Britain First.

And we don’t need another racist bigot sticking his bugle in. Butt out, Combover Crybaby.
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Gonzoland said...

Salute Trump, Chief of the US Negative Forces.

AndyC said...

Trump is probably too ignorant to know the difference between 'the City of London' and 'the city of London'.

Anonymous said...

As Dennis Skinner said, the fellow is as thick as two short planks. Like Bush1 and 2 and Reagan. It runs right through what passes for US cowboy "culture". It will never change.

Be interesting to see what he says after the next crackpot US gun massacre. And there WILL BE another.

Not that we have anything to boast about. Not after Callaghan, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May - all of them morally corrupt liars and hypocrites. Britain's very own motley crew of spivs and chancers.