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Sunday 27 January 2013

Top Six – January 27

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, it’s a nice day for once and I’m off out later. So there.

6 Daily Mail Playing Both Sides Of The Twitter Mob First they used the appallingly vain Samantha “I’m so beautiful” Brick to go after historian Mary Beard over her looks, and then when the hate mob joined in, feigned outrage. No surprise there, then.

5 Sorry Mo Farah, Your Fifteen Minutes Is Up After the hostage taking at the In Amenas gas plant in Algeria, the Olympics was forgotten and it was back to old-fashioned Islamophobia.

4 Super Soaraway Sorry – Four Times One or two clarifications is one thing, but the Murdoch Sun has now had to issue four of them to Gordon Brown in three months. When the numbers are that great, it’s not a coincidence.

3 Who Set Up The Sun? We looked at who might have brought Rupe’s downmarket troops their “exclusive” about a Lithuanian single mum who just happened to also be an actress and model.

2 Super Soaraway Benefits Story Stitch-Up The Sun’sexclusive” about a single mum on benefits managed to miss her CV, her credit card bills, and that it was a bit rich to pick on foreigners when they’ve been in the UK for eight years, working and paying their taxes here.

1 The Natalija Belova Story Unravels When the Daily Mail jumped on the Sun bandwagon and ran the story of the Lithuanian single mum on benefits, they let the cat out of the bag by using photos from a top press snapper. She wasn’t in his portfolio by chance. The paper later pulled the story.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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