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Thursday 10 May 2018

Press Thugs Let Mask Slip

Yesterday afternoon, the amendment co-sponsored by Ed Miliband and Ken Clarke, among others, to force the Government to keep the promise made to the victims of press abuse and complete the Leveson Inquiry, was defeated by just nine votes, after press puppet Culture Secretary Matt Hancock bought off the DUP to secure another ten votes and get the Tories over the line. And then came the triumphalist backlash.
Nowhere was this better illustrated than by the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog, who long ago sold out to the Press Establishment in order to be allowed inside the tent, from where they could piss out to their hearts’ content. Here, the mask slipped and we saw what the allegedly “reformed” press - no, don’t laugh - really thought of those who had objected to being shat on by them.
Kate and Gerry McCann - ignored

Under the headline295 MPs Who Tried To Muzzle The Press” - an inquiry into illegal activity is somehow “muzzling” according to The Great Guido - readers are told simply “This is the roll call of wrong ‘uns who tried to implement Leveson 2”.
Christopher Jeffries - disregarded

Have a think about that.
Milly Dowler - conveniently forgotten

Those MPs who voted to get to the truth on the phone hacking, email hacking, computer hacking, blagging of medical records, blagging of phone records, blagging of Police records, blagging of lawyers’ records, burglary, bribery, bin rifling, intimidation, bullying, surveillance, harassment, corrupt Police connections, corrupt politician connections, corrupt legal connections, monstering, smearing, deliberate defamation and far, far more are now, in the eyes of the press and its pals, “Wrong ‘Uns”.
Jacqui Hames - overlooked

Those who wanted to keep the promises made to the victims of press misbehaviour, like the Dowler family, the McCanns, Christopher Jeffries, Andy Miller, Paul Dadge, Jacqui Hames, Mark Covell, Juliet Shaw, the Taylor sisters, and all those who were caught up in the pursuit of celebrities despite not being well known themselves, are “Wrong ‘Uns”.
Mazher Mahmood - corruption excused

Those who had concluded that the public deserved to know what really happened in all the surveillance operations mounted on politicians, Royalty, lawyers, judges, civil servants, local Government staff, company bosses, and, yes, many more of those Ordinary People, the Press Establishment declares them nothing better than “Wrong ‘Uns”.
Daniel Morgan - cover-up continues

Those who believed we should know the facts about “Fake Sheikh” Mazher Mahmood and his years of entrapments (plus all the Police manipulation and corruption), the press and Police cover-ups and foul-ups over the Daniel Morgan murder, the systematic use of illegal information gathering, and, worse, the institutional lying about it before Part 1 of Leveson - such beliefs make them just more of those “Wrong ‘Uns”.
Did she mislead Leveson? Now we can't ask

The Fawkes rabble have, perhaps inadvertently, let slip exactly what they and their press pals really think of wanting justice and giving a damn about the victims. They are also conveying a thinly veiled threat to the 295 - “we know who you are, we’re digging for dirt on you, and if you diss us again, you can expect suitable retribution”.

The rotten and corrupt state of our free and fearless press exposed for all to see.


Suck It Up said...

Police and others have been watching Guido and Murdoch since 2007 at least.

Guido didn't run away for cheaper taxes.

The trouble with Guido is, he never has a full story. He's more full glass than full anything.

I'm sure the police will be more than willing to handover what they know when welfare for their children come up.
Histories (on police record) of drink, drug abuse. Domestic violence. Anybody would think the press hounds set a good example. No. They like to dish dirt on others and claim to only print what people want to hear.

So am I. When it comes to them.

Let them try and complain.
They reap what they sow.

Anonymous said...

Just howling evil let upon an already cruel world - strickly for profit.

This can only be countermanded by education.

Which Zelo Street provides.

One of your more angry posts for a while, I thought, and a situation worthy of it.

Rangjan said...

I find your statement that Paul Staines "long ago sold out to the Press Establishment" puzzling. The man started his political career as a paid asset of the apartheid regime, and then moved into apartheid-funded, Murdoch associated "think tanks". He is a paid shill, and always has been. He smears people for a living, on behalf of the establishment. Do an Internet search on "Operation Babushka" for details. I recommend you use a search engine that is not Google, as he has suppressed their results using EU privacy regulations.