So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, that’s how it is, and we can. So there.

6 Quentin Letts – Pants On Fire The Daily Mail’s singularly unpleasant Parliamentary sketch writer went over the top on the orders of his legendarily foul mouthed editor to put the boot in on Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone. We highlight the moment when his trousers caught light while rehearsing Harry Potter And The Gobshite Of Misogyny.
5 Sick Of Ms Brick Aren’t we all? While the Mail keeps wringing a little more life out of the Samantha Brick saga, it’s glaringly obvious that this is just a combination of self-promotion and content ramping. End of story? Sadly not.
4 Guido Fawked – Corporate Ignorance The Laurel and Hardy of the blogosphere pretend to know what they’re talking about on limited companies, but as we show, they’re as clueless as ever. Another fine mess.
3 Boris And A Tax Return – Take 2 Why wouldn’t Bozza just put out the figures and stop all the questions – then get himself an instant win in the process? Eventually he did, of course, and got that win. Lynton Crosby should remember what Winshton said about Montagu Norman.
2 Guido Fawked – Serial Tax Dishonesty Yes, the less than dynamic duo were at it again on Friday, claiming that Ken Livingstone should pay four peoples’ Income Tax, and that companies that trade do not trade. And that they are shells, when they’re not. Another fine mess, once again.
1 Express Cock-Up – What A Star! As the empire of Richard “Dirty” Desmond sends yet more staff down the road, the gaffes mount up, with the Express website managing three in one day. Once upon a time, the paper sold four million copies a day. Now it can’t even get its spelling and grammar right.
And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!
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