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Wednesday 29 August 2018

Corbyn Death Threat Shame

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which continues to include among its Honorary Patrons a number of people who have either benefited from racism, welcomed racists into their midst, manipulated racism for electoral advantage, or expressed forthright bigotry, has now become obsessive in its pursuit of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
To this end, such ideas as honesty have been dispensed with as Jezza has been accused of going to Tunisia to “honour Black September terrorists”, laying a wreath at the graves of those terrorists, and making a “Muslim Brotherhood salute”. The group’s website shows that it is campaigning almost exclusively against Corbyn, except for one isolated attack on Len McCluskey, just to inject a little variety into proceedings.

And now the CAA has decided to launch a petition demanding Corbyn’s removal. Announcing this endeavour, they have told “Gideon Falter, Chairman of Campaign Against Antisemitism, said [Corbyn] … laid a wreath at a memorial for the Black September terrorists behind the Munich Massacre”. The level of honesty isn’t improving, then.
What is worse, the petition on change.org has attracted a number of comments which are not merely derogatory or defamatory, but threatening. Worse still, nothing seems to be being done to moderate those comments. As they include actual death threats.

One signatory, noted by Jo Phillips, tells “I’m signing because Jeremy Corbyn is a terrorist sympathising, Jew Hating, lying Communist prick who should die for what he’s done”. Another, picked up on by Chelley Ryan, says simply “I would prefer for someone to shoot him”. And there are more in a similar vein.
The Prole Star observed one mild-mannered individual asserting “This anti-Semite belongs in prison or better yet between my clutched hands”, and found another resorting to Nazi terminology: “Jeremy Corbyn is an avowed unapologetic anti-Semite and an utter Untermensch”. That much is bad enough, but it gets worse.
He needs to be put out of his mysery [sic] a bullet to the temple perhaps. No rather truss him up and lower him slowly into a vat of boiling Sulphuric Acid and watch that bastard squirm!” The Prole Star observes “Most signatories are not Labour members - many are not even UK voters … Several have made death threats - like this one, using Nazi terminology … We have reported their hate speech - we will take no lectures from hatemongers”. Quite. And a report has indeed been made - to the Police.
The Metropolitan Police Contact Centre has now advised “Police are investigating an allegation of malicious communications made on an online petition. Enquiries continue”.
As with the threat made against someone’s business because they joined the Labour Party, which I noted earlier, this is symptomatic of a campaign that he getting beyond reason, and threatening to spill over into something far worse.
Gideon Falter and his pals at the CAA may be enjoying their crude and often dishonest baiting of the Labour leadership.  But if this carries on, someone is going to get hurt.

Once again, can we please step back and cool off? I’ll just leave that one there.
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Anonymous said...

Well, that was just a matter of time: when far right propaganda fails, out come the physical threats.

Imagine how bad it will get during a general election.

Jonathan said...

Many more like myself have complained to Change. Org on numerous occasions about these libelous and often very sinister posts on its petition set up by the CAA.
Despite their own polices against hate speech and libelous comments, it has so far resisted all calls to remove the petition.

If anything were to happen to JC, then Change. Org would find it self in serious legal trouble..

Its seems its OK to libel and issue death threats to a man of peace but to complain about Laura Kussenberg and her biased journalism seems to be out of the question.

Satire is surely dead. Jesus and MLK were others murdered for their stance against the Establishment.