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Monday 26 October 2015

Simon Danczuk Disrespects The 96

Such is the desire of Rochdale’s nominally Labour MP Simon Danczuk to put the boot in on his own party’s leadership that he has resorted to endorsing someone whose reputation for less than total honesty puts his own in the shade. He has Tweeted appreciatively about none other than former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie, now rehired by the paper, just to let you know how sorry they are about their Hillsborough coverage.
Sadly, the article that Danczuk so shamelessly endorses is a little short on veracity, and with Kelvin McFilth one should always be on one’s guard when that is concerned, given his track record on truthfulness, or all too often the lack of it. The flagrant dishonesty starts with the headline, “Jezza quiet on migrants … Labour leader wants an open door to UK”, which is, shall we say, not supported by the following text.

HAVE you noticed how quiet Jeremy Corbyn and his colleagues have gone about the unfolding migrant disaster spreading across Europe” asks Kel. Anything approaching “quiet” in Kel’s world means They Done It, whatever it is. And there’s more: “Germany has taken in 409,000 migrants in 40 days … I saw the other day that the daily numbers going through Greece heading our way were even higher”.
The “daily numbers” that you just made up, Kel. After all, who’s going to sue the SOB for that one? It’s an easy slice of scaremongering. But do go on: “Corbyn … stays schtum … Surely he couldn’t be in favour of German-type numbers coming here but declines to say anything as he fears he would do worse at the polls than right now? … He gave a clue to his views during a fascinating meeting … with Simon Danczuk”.

That’s another selective single source, eh Kel? So what about this meeting? “Danczuk, who I admire, says that Corbyn doesn’t see the sensitive issues of social cohesion that come with massive migration … I suspect that Corbyn would have an open door policy to Syria and beyond. He should have the courage to say so”. So the headline really was made up, and Kel’s pants are once again well alight.
That, folks, is the kind of dishonest shyster whose lies have Simon Danczuk Tweeting “Endorsed by Kelvin McKenzie, my life is complete!” And had he bothered to do his homework, he would know that last week Kel sneered “David Cameron is threatening to create dozens of new Tory peers to push his tax credit cuts through the revolting House of Lords. I’m available. Lord Kelv of Anfield has a ring about it, don’t you think?

So not only has Danczuk blatantly and repeatedly disrespected his present and former party leaders, he has now disrespected the Hillsborough victims and their families. That’s on top of whining about multiculturalism, and by doing so disrespecting Rochdale’s Bangladeshi community, some of whom might think that they are being taken for mugs by a shameless opportunist. And they may be dead right.

Of course, Danczuk may just be identifying with someone else who doesn’t give a flying foxtrot about anyone but themselves. Surely not?


Andy McDonald said...

As asked by Kevin Maguire in today's Mirror, can anyone remember Danczuk ever actually attacking the Tory party or its policies?

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised at all with this. Danksuck and McCoward go together like Goebbels and Goering.

One day fate will deal out just desserts to them both, just as it did to Brittan, Howe, Thatcher and other London Nazis.

Every time Danksuck and McCoward open their filthy mouths it draws them nearer to a final reckoning in hell with Josef and Hermann. I hope it's long, slow and painful. God knows they've got it coming.

peter c. said...

I presume Danczuk hasn't discovered satire.

For most of us, an endorsement from the odious Kelvin would be a signifier of life being over - rather than complete.

You might think even a twat like SD would draw a line somewhere.