After the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog published a highly creative attack on the Observer’s Carole Cadwalladr last week, claiming that her reporting was a “hoax”, “complete cock’n’bull” and “fairy tales”, it was inevitable that their fellow travellers would soon be along with more in the same vein.

Ray backs another loser
So it was that Doug Murray The K, still trying and failing to make bigotry a subject of intellectual rigour, demanded in the increasingly alt-right Spectator magazine that Ms Cadwalladr should be stripped of her Orwell Prize. And then came the prize specimen to end all prize specimens, Raheem “call me Ray” Kassam.
Kassam’s rant has been keenly promoted by the inmates of Leave EU, which figures, given that the lawsuit that prompted The Great Guido’s attack involved Arron Banks, and that the most likely Fawkes informant was the appallingly slippery Andy Wigmore. We need not read the body of this dirge; the headline tells us all we need to know.

That’s the same Raheem Kassam who had his Facebook page taken down last year, although it was later reinstated. The same Raheem Kassam who dishonestly called the Muslim Council of Britain a “fifth column”, and who attacked George Soros, ranting “Soros doesn’t care about immigrants. He cares about his pockets. His greedy and treasonous actions impoverished so many people”. The Disloyal Jew once more.

Kassam is, whisper it quietly, an activist masquerading as a journalist, as well as someone who talks well, but lies badly. Plus he is an advocate of free speech unless it’s a woman journalist he doesn’t like, and then he’s in favour of authoritarian censorship. Moreover, he has significant previous in creepily and obsessively attacking Ms Cadwalladr.

Hello Ray. Here’s your sorry arse on a plate. Now run along. You’re welcome.
The British right wing is more extreme each day. An inevitable development as capitalism shows just how inhuman it is...profiteering on the backs of death and disease.
Which means those who tell the truth are targetted by hired cowards like Kassam.
After decades of this worsening filth ask yourself what the logical conclusion is. After all, there are precedents for this corrosive evil and how it rots the human spirit.
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