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Sunday 25 November 2012

Top Six – November 25

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I’ve got stuff to do elsewhere. So there.

6 Leveson Is Served (30) Not that they were biased, but hacks from the Sun and Mail queued up to denounce whatever Lord Justice Leveson recommended and threaten whatever retribution they could muster.

5 Guido Fawked – No Trust, No Principles The identity of those who exchange emails with you is confidential, isn’t it? Not for the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines, who styles himself Guido Fawkes, it isn’t. Another fine mess.

4 Mad Mel Twitter Hypocrisy Melanie “not just Barking but halfway to Upminster” Phillips told of a “sadistic mob” on Twitter getting to thousands of users. But what she didn’t tell readers was about sadistic mobs on newspaper websites getting to millions, going around trashing reputations – like her good self.

3 Rotherham, UKIP, And What We Don’t Know Michael “Oiky” Gove and Nigel “Thirsty” Farage went off the end of the pier over the Rotherham fostering row. But there is a lot about this case that we still don’t know. What we do know is that every political party is trying to use the story for its own ends in the run-up to the by-election next Thursday.

2 Murdoch Is Served (86) The photos of Saddam Hussein in his underpants that appeared simultaneously in Murdoch papers on both sides of the North Atlantic may have been obtained by paying a US official. That’s naughty.

1 Cyril Smith And Child Abuse Past allegations against the late MP were back in the papers this week. Here’s the original story from Private Eye, published in May 1979, which shows what is being investigated.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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