There are times when blogging can seem like an eternal treadmill: the euphoria of one successful post, or series of posts, has hardly died away before the realisation sets in that there has to be another successful post, or series thereof, and that it has to top the last one. Hopefully, Zelo Street regulars appreciate the reasonably constant supply of new content.
But, on occasion, one has to step away from the keyboard, if only for a couple of days, which I will be doing starting, more or less, from the time this post is published. So there will be no dismantling of tomorrow’s Littlejohn column here, but I’m sure there will be others around the blogosphere more than willing to show up Dick and the rest of the overmonied dinosaurs of the Fourth Estate.

In the meantime, I remain hopeful that Zelo Street might garner a few more votes in the Total Politics 2011 blog poll. The voting instructions can be found HERE and you can cast your preferences HERE. This particular poll closes tomorrow, so there is still well over 24 hours of voting time left.
I hope to be back blogging on the usual variety of subjects by Sunday next. In the meantime, being of occasionally shameless disposition, I can recommend Littlejohn’s foot in mouth moment, James “saviour of Western civilisation” Delingpole and his admirers in the comments sewer of Maily Telegraph blogland, and Daily Mail hacks “Mad” Mel Phillips, Amanda Platell, and Liz Jones.
And of course there is always Phonehackgate, to which I will return very soon (latest updates HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE). Enjoy the break – I will. Perhaps.
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