Inexplicably elevated to the rank of Home Secretary, Priti Patel has wasted no time in making a whole series of inflammatory remarks against minority groups and refugees, thereby ensuring her popularity among the Gammonati, but in the process endangering many more. Her recent targets included the Gypsy Roma Traveller community.

As Voice Britannia has told, in an interview with the Board of Deputies of British Jews Ms Patel was told “about how the Board of Deputies had expressed ‘anxiety’ to the Home Office in relation to proposals on ‘unauthorized encampments’; with the Board believing problems stem from a lack of authorised sites. The Board of Deputies stated their support for the Gypsy Roma Traveller community stemming from their shared experiences of persecution by Nazis in World War Two”. How would she support this community?
She first claimed “‘traveller communities and unauthorised encampments’ were different to Gypsy Roma communities, stating ‘they were absolutely different’", going on to assert “We have seen criminality and violence taking place. We saw one particular traveller criminal, I can’t talk about the details of this, but basically, we saw a police officer which was effectively murdered through a robbery which took place by a traveller family”.
This is, to put it directly, a pack of lies. Alex Tiffin responded “Priti Patel’s anti traveller remarks incite hatred as well as potentially being in contempt of court. Therefore, I've reported her to [the Metropolitan Police Contact Centre]. Hopefully she'll call on them to carry out a full an d impartial investigation. The GRT Community deserves better”.

“On 7 September a man with a large knife entered a London law firm and launched a ‘violent, racist attack’ that injured a staff member before the assailant was overwhelmed. A confederate flag and far-right literature were allegedly found in a bag he was carrying. According to documents about the incident, police described the knife as a ‘weapon designed to cause serious harm’ … Days before, on 3 September, Patel dismayed the legal profession by claiming ‘activist lawyers’ were frustrating the removal of migrants”.
There was more. “The day after the incident, the firm wrote to the Law Society asking it to raise the issue with Patel, government lawyers, the lord chancellor and the Ministry of Justice to ‘ensure that public attacks on the legal profession are prevented from this point forth’ … On Saturday the Law Society confirmed it sent correspondence last month on the attack to the Home Office and Ministry of Justice”. But that didn’t stop Ms Patel.
“Patel used her speech at the Conservative party conference to target ‘do-gooders’ and ‘lefty lawyers’ … Boris Johnson went even further, claiming the entire criminal justice system was ‘being hamstrung by lefty human rights lawyers’”.
Priti Patel has drawn first blood, and literally. Her boss has aided and abetted her in doubling down. Before long, this kind of behaviour will have a body count. It must stop.
Patel used her speech at the Conservative party conference to target ‘do-gooders’ and ‘lefty lawyers’
So she's saying she's a do-badder. Can't argue with that.
If one still needed a glimpse of what will be little short of a fascist future for this country post-Brexit, look no further than the actions of this despicable Home Sec.
Where's Nelson when you need him.
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