Dave Hartnett
“The Prime Minister’s announcement last night, about the need for all but key workers to stay at home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, will have a profound impact on St Mary’s for the coming weeks. In the light of this, we will be moving all non-essential services online … Put simply, we want to protect our students and staff from Covid-19 and limit risks to health on campus”. So what were those in student accommodation to do?
“For those students currently remaining in University accommodation, Public Health England have advised us that you should go home, if you can safely do so. We will be in touch shortly with those who cannot leave, to explain how we will support you over the coming days and weeks. The only staff who should now be working on site are a small number of colleagues in Estates and Campus Services”.

I am informed that students who went home from St Mary’s Twickenham were charged for their accommodation up to and including April 8. That is the Wednesday before Easter, so perhaps it was the end of term. In any case, if students were billed up to that date, then they were charged for two weeks when they were not there - and were not there on the explicit advice of their Interim Vice Chancellor. So what’s the damage?
For those in well-paid jobs, this might appear trivial, but those students are, I am informed, being billed for around £800 for those two weeks. That is money that many of them will not have. Worse, I am also informed that a debt collection agency may have been engaged to chase those who have not yet paid for the two weeks when they weren’t there.
This appears to be a most unsatisfactory situation. Today’s students carry quite enough debt into the world of work; were that £800 to be subject to additional interest and/or collection charges, it would just mean an increase in that debt burden. For this reason alone, I hope that either I have been misinformed, or that St Mary’s has reconsidered.
After all, Hartnett did say to students in his follow-up YouTube video “We are determined that none of you will suffer detriment because of the crisis”. Over to you, Dave.

This is easily solved. Someone just needs to take him for a very expensive lunch. It certainly seemed to work when he was with HMRC
He could always name it the "wanked c*ck party"... because its small, sticky, and has an even more useless pr*ck behind it.
@ Easmond ... bit like Theresa mays old fella and he got a knighthood out of it
Ah our ol' friend Dave Hartnett, friend of the big corporations,any of whom had very good relationships with Dave,very conveniently, many found their corporate tax bills reduced suddenly by magic that would leave Paul Daniels red faced..
On leaving HMRC, Dave landed a very nice well numerated gig at HSBC handling Tax compliance!!!
A friend who worked for HMRC, told me some years back, they were barred from talking about Dave Hartnett and his sweet talkin' ways.
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