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Tuesday 13 October 2020

Darren Grimes Says The BBC Done It

Still desperate to milk his not-really-victimhood for all it is worth, failed trainee hairdresser and terminally inept form-filler Darren Grimes has hit on someone to blame for his recent disastrous decision to not only allow appalling old bigot David Starkey to talk about “damn blacks”, but then publish the “interview” without stopping and thinking first.

So who might be on the hook here? Grimes asked Starkey to participate, he did the alleged interviewing, he nodded along with Starkey’s racist bigotry, and he was the one who published it. But it was not his fault, oh no. The organisation at fault, he has decided, is the hated BBC. Because they have not given him a platform to exploit it.

Yes, it’s the Beeb’s fault, or rather, it’s a ready-made excuse for Dazza to leverage his victimhood for another of his pet projects - trying to defund the Corporation. So up he piped this morning to bleat “The Times are running it as their leading article. And [BBC News]? Silence”. One hates to swear too much, but why the merry fuck should they?

Aaron Bastani was on the same page. “Come now, you’ve not even been interviewed. Yes it’s an egregious episode, and I hope it comes to nothing, but it doesn’t merit the BBC covering it, no”. But Grimes was off and away. “I must admit that I am not used to such silence from the BBC when it comes to attempts to take me to court”. There hasn’t been an attempt to take him to court. But that is quickly forgotten.

It does seem strange that when a former director of public prosecutions, the Home Secretary, the former Chancellor and a host of others have spoken out about the importance of the law protecting freedom of speech and of the press, and the absurdity of the Met’s actions, that our national broadcaster should stay so silent”. Do go on.

Surely the threat of facing prosecution for remarks made by guests in interviews is something that should greatly trouble any broadcaster, including the BBC?” Maybe those at the Beeb already understand the responsibilities of publishers? Try again. “This is one of the most important cases regarding freedom of speech in this country and yet the BBC has said nothing - I’d suggest that they are failing in their obligation to inform the nation”.

Inform the nation of what? That some minor idiot has failed to understand his responsibilities before hitting “publish”? But wait, he’s got a reason for the BBC to feature him. “I'm a former hairdresser, creative degree student, state school educated, single parent background, gay AND from the North East”. He’s a symbol of diversity!

In that case, he might be better advised not placing too much stress on that Times editorial. It does, after all, tell readers “For Mr Grimes, the humiliation is less grave but nonetheless real. He has, by his own admission, been exposed as naive, deeply unserious and incapable of behaving with even the minor degree of responsibility required of a figure of mild public renown”. And still doesn’t understand publishers’ responsibilities.

This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. And it is of insufficient merit for the BBC to waste its scarce resources on reporting it. Darren Grimes’ fifteen minutes is almost up.

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J said...

To be honest, I don't think he read the article... (Never mind the fact he doesn't know the difference between a lead story and a leader).

If he had he would have seen that they were calling him a stupid tw@t and not been quite so quick to post his "oooooooh poor me... oooooooh I'm being silenced... ohhhhh I'm gay don't you know" snowflake whinge. Seriously, he's obviously asking for his safe space - after spending years denouncing snowflakes who need a safe space. Suck it up butter cup; you published - you be damned.

Anonymous said...

Dozo best learn, and fast, that when the far right Murdoch Slimes turns on you your usefulness is nearing it's end.

The toffee (597) said...

Has he forgot he's a cunt, or has he at least got (barely) enough intelligence to deliberately withhold that fact...

I'm gonna go all Dayglo Donald and say some 'reporters' ought to have the crap kicked out of them.

Homophobia? There was me being told it's free speech...

Anonymous said...

Yes we know you don't like him, but he's not wrong is he?

Who at the BBC thought Sophie Duker was a comedienne, and that she speaks for all black people with her use of "we"? Her views are not shared by my black family members.

Unknown said...

Comedienne? Use of outdated sexist labelling says a lot about your post.

Anonymous said...


"Yes we know you don't like him, but he's not wrong is he?" What's with your use of "we"? Speak for yourself, you hypocritical gobshite.

And please show where in the BBC charter it is required that they report on any single investigation carried out in accordance with the reccomendations of the Macpherson Report. A report, by the way, for which Paul Dacre and the Daily Mail claimed credit. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/murderers-of-myths-macpherson-and-daily-mail/

Moreover, why weren't you clamouring for the BBC to report on the still unnamed Tory MP accused of sexual assault? You really are a moron, aren't you Darren?

Anonymous said...

Whinges little shitebag that one like a little kid when a big girl stole his sweets. And yes he is wrong because his nasty little videos are intended to divide and polarise hate

Exiled in Ard Mhaca said...

Darren who?

grim northerner said...


Jonathan said...

This is from a QC on Dazza https://twitter.com/GeorgePeretzQC/status/1314853553685622785?s=19

Crabsantler said...

One of the "useful idiots" too narcissistic to understand what a massive arse he is making of himself. Trying to co-opt identity politics in the most wretched way possible.

GrimeWatch YUK said...

Grime on the rags.
Grime on TV.
There's far too much Grime in Britain.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry....Tobes and Lozza will soon come riding to the rescue

Anonymous said...

19:46 Ask yourself why you feel the need to use unwarranted and unnecessary personal abuse to make your point and yet you think yourself better than me. Deal with your inadequacies, don't project them.

Anonymous said...


You came here to further your culture war and now you have the audacity to whine that you're a fatality! "If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute—and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."

Anonymous said...

No I didn't, no I don't, it's in YOUR head !

Anonymous said...

No I didn't, no I don't, it is all in your imagination!

Anonymous said...

Q. Why is Gammon Anonymous @19:56 like an Egyptian crocodile?

A. Because he's in de Nile.