Ms Hartley Dooda made her pitch. “The numbers we’ve seen across the Channel have been off the scale and incredibly dangerous”. Ms Sankey came back on that one. “Just to clarify one point, I’m not saying that people crossing the channel isn’t a problem, of course it is, because it’s a dangerous route”. “It’s also illegal” interjected Ms Hartley Dooda.
That was not only unwise, it was wrong. Ms Sankey put her straight. “It is not actually illegal, Julia, to claim asylum here and to come by an unusual route”.
Ms Hartley Dooda was outraged. And to prove it, she turned up the volume. “I’m sorry, I can’t arrive in this country without a passport [missing the point, much?] and I’m British!”
Ms Sankey once more put her straight. “You could, if you were claiming asylum. So that is actually a myth”. No, Ms Hartley Dooda wasn’t buying that, and fell back on another of her talking points. “You know that, under the Dublin Convention … if you’re coming from a safe country, you need to stay in that safe country and claim asylum”. Whoops!

Would Madam like to have another of her talking points exposed as worthless? She certainly would. “Whether it’s Ethiopia or Sudan or Libya or … the Bahamas, ‘I don’t feel safe here and I want to come to Britain’, and they have a right … You’ve got to understand why people listening to this think that’s absurd”. Because she didn’t understand.
So Ms Sankey had to spell it out. “That’s not what I’m saying … People have a right to claim asylum, of course then the UK Government will process their asylum claim and that’s a really tough process where not all of those who have claims will have them accepted. So it’s not a free for all at all … the right to find safety has to be a personal one, because people flee [other countries] for all sorts of reasons”. Another TalkRADIO myth bites the dust.
Had Julia Hartley Dooda done her homework, that could have been a well-informed and even illuminating discussion. But, as usual, she hadn’t. And so it wasn’t. No change there.

The term pundit derives from the sanskrit पण्डित and describes any wise, educated or learned person with specialised knowledge. Can Dooda not be done under the Trade Descriptions Act?
I bet that had the absurd, ignorant arsehead Dooda muttering to herself in the loo mirror.
If it gets back to Murdoch she's in deep shit. Then again, as an employee of MurdochScum Radio she'll know all about wallowing in shit.
Not sure why you bother. It's not about getting facts straight, it's about reinforcing a narrative.
So clever-clever lawyer will have had absolutely no effect on the audience, except to reinforce the image of lefty lawyers. Which, I suspect, is what Julia and the station want.
The video clip is actually from several weeks ago.
Julia Hartley Doodah. God give me strength.
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