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Wednesday 14 October 2020

Guido Brexit Blunder - Bozo Blinks First

With Brexit talks approaching the October 15 deadline imposed by alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Brexiteers still in Ron Hopeful mode are willing Bozo and his team to walk away from Michel Barnier and his rotten Eurocrats, heading off instead into a less than glorious No Deal sunset.

And in another example of those willing to believe their own propaganda, the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog have swallowed this highly dubious idea whole, telling their eager readersBrexit Crunch Time: 24 Hours To Go”.

He's not blinking first ...

Beneath the heading, apprentice sandwich monitor Christian Calgie has asserted “The PM will hold crunch negotiation talks today with EU Commission President, with just one day to go before David Frost, Britain’s Chief Negotiator, will advise Boris whether a trade deal is now possible”, and concluded “Boris could call off talks tomorrow”.

... but HE is

There was more. “The crunch deadline comes as Merkel calls for ‘realism’ in the talks and warns the EU that it must ‘take into account reality’ that is in the interests of Britain as well as the block of 27, in what is tonally a stark contrast from Macron’s calls to the EU to show ‘no weakness’ over the UK’s fishing demands. Lord Frost is already blaming this squabbling as the reason for the lack of an 'outline' agreement this week”. Ri-i-i-ight.

This was in significant contrast to the tone struck recently by Joe Mayes of Bloomberg, who had warned “the EU is willing to let Brexit talks drag into November and December, is not planning to make any concessions before October deadline”. The EU was not going to blink first. Where was the cavalry of German car manufacturers?

Sadly, it wasn’t coming, and the people at Bloomberg were, as befits those who deal in facts, rather than propaganda, right on the money. We know this as, just 11 minutes after the Fawkes massive committed their thoughts to pixel, Bloomberg had the scoop: “The U.K. signals it will continue efforts to reach a deal with the EU beyond Boris Johnson's Oct. 15 deadline”. Bozo and his chief negotiator David Frost had bravely blinked first.

The derision was not long in coming, with Simon Cosgrove musing “Now we're really showing 'em who's who”. The Tweeter known as Brexitshambles was on the same page: “In a ‘they need us more than we need them’ humiliation, UK signals it won’t walk away from trade talks after Boris Johnson's October 15th deadline - that's really showing 'Johnny Foreigner' who's really holding all the cards!” And it isn’t the UK.

It wasn’t just The Great Guido: the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph has been softening up readers for Bozo walking away, with their Brussels man James Crisp claiming “It is Barnier's fault if no deal Brexit deadline is missed, claim UK sources. Government sources accuse Mr Barnier of being unable to convince EU members to compromise in talks but they insist he has their support”. He was wrong too.

The German car industry cavalry never does arrive, does it? Nor is Michel Barnier ever replaced or bypassed. And when it comes to blinking first, that would be the UK.

Brexiteer propaganda cannot overcome reality. Another fine mess, once again.

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Arnold said...

From the Brexpress.
Brexit deadline SCRAPPED: PM caves on own red line as EU forces through more negotiations


Anonymous said...

Give it a year.

Then listen to the squeals from the mugs who voted for Brexit. Me, I'll laugh the daft cunts to scorn.

Problem is, the country will be even more fucked up than it is now - and that's saying something.

Welcome to Britain 2020. A nation committing slow suicide.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome to leave

Anonymous said...


We can't. That's because dogpiss fascists like you ended freedom of movement because you don't like brown people

Anonymous said...

@ 23:47.

I'd prefer the guilty far right racist xenophobes to leave.

I'd even pay their bus fare to Washington DC.