He was not. “How many NHS workers have now died from Coronavirus? And how many social care workers have now died from Coronavirus?” asked Starmer. It was a straight question. All that was required of Raab were two numbers. Had he felt suitably emboldened, he could have done the addition and given a third, total, number. It should have been in the Easy, Peasy, Lemon Squeezy category. Not for Dom. After a significant amount of flannel, during which he managed to deploy the phrase “ramp up” twice, Raab responded “On the latest figures, my understanding is that 69 people have died within the NHS of the Coronavirus, and I don’t have the precise figure for care homes … more difficult to establish in relation to care home workers”.
Did he not, now? He needed only to look at Byline Times, where they and Nursing Notes have collaborated to record the names of all those who have died with Covid-19, from Nurses, to Midwives, to Healthcare and Theatre Assistants, GPs, Consultants, Registrars, Surgeons, Paramedics, Porters, and many other workers.
Their records show that the total of those deaths stood at 103 by last Monday. Starmer let Raab know “I’m disappointed we don’t have a number for social care workers and I put the First Secretary on notice that I’ll ask the same question again next week, and hopefully we can have a better answer”. And it will be Raab again next week.
Alex Andreou was one of many who approved of Starmer’s approach. “Asking for meaningful stuff. Not only vital information, but information which is highly damaging to have the government say out loud. When he is dismissed with flannel, he puts a marker down. He will ask again next week. This ‘can't get away with evasion’ stance is crucial”.

Far too many on the left have been laying into Starmer since his election to the Labour Top Job, rushing to denounce him as “Blair lite” and claiming he is not holding the Government to account, without giving him a chance to set out his stall. He did the first setting-out today. He was purposeful, precise and forensic. Raab is indeed on notice.Alex Andreou was one of many who approved of Starmer’s approach. “Asking for meaningful stuff. Not only vital information, but information which is highly damaging to have the government say out loud. When he is dismissed with flannel, he puts a marker down. He will ask again next week. This ‘can't get away with evasion’ stance is crucial”.

Starmer is not Corbyn. Nor would any other leader be. Let’s respect that difference. Enjoy your visit to Zelo Street? You can help this truly independent blog carry on talking truth to power, while retaining its sense of humour, by adding to its Just Giving page at
No, he's not Corbyn.
He's Bliar with a quiff.
As trustworthy as an oil barrel full of vipers.
See the contributors to his leader election bid - those he didn't reveal until AFTER the election.
"Forensic" my arse. Quisling more like, and shifty eyed with it. He'd betray the party (again) at the drop of a hat, and he'd drop the hat himself.
Dear Zelo ,
Obviously Starmer will be taking a different approach and equally obviously Raab is not Johnson . At least PMQs is back in business and the HoC has a history of putting the government to test and Hansard recording that . It’s a very long haul to the next election and such has been the success of the MSM in recent years in setting it’s agenda , they are likely complacent that that state of affairs will last forever , however the scale of reckless incompetence over the coronavirus pandemic may be such that the ‘hostages to fortune’ become an enormous ‘dead’ weight . Possibly like 41K unnecessary pandemic early deaths to compound the 120K unnecessary austerity deaths of the last parliament . The callous , murderous Tories ,
If you don't like it, fuck off and join the SWP.
At last: a grown-up leading the Labour Party, not an aged student rebel rebelling against his privileged background.
Dear Anonymous at 18.25
Exactly what is achieved by your intemperate and slightly incoherent comment ?
The first thing that people see every day after each of your usually excellent, considered and informative pieces is a spittle-flecked rant from an embittered and aged Dave Spart.
He's beyond parody and, I assume, 'has issues' as they say.
However, he takes advantage of your tolerance and daily distracts from, as he has here, the points you make.
Is there no way of removing his assumed entitlement to prime position every day and maybe move him down the ranking a little?
I for one am looking forward to watching a barrister eviscerate the tory front bench over the coming months, squeaky bum time for the brittania unchained mob.
All comments are at the approval of the blog owner, it says.
Funnily enough, I was thinking that too...
Bertie, he obviously visits here several times a day to look for updates. If his outlet is C/Ping his standard rant on here, well, at least he's harmless, if rather boring.
Derek, the "F**k off and join the SWP" comment is an ironic echo of the call from many on the left of the Labour party to centrists over the last 5 years, to go and join the Tories.
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