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Thursday 19 November 2015

Toby Young Belittles Bullying

After BBC Newsnight ran an item on the Tory Party’s bullying problem last night, there came, with the inevitability of night following day, those seeking to play down the story, to pretend that the Beeb were wasting their time. And one of those thus pretending has a clear interest in the Tories’ image, having at one time even suggested that he might put his name forward to stand at the last General Election.
Another grown-up intervention from Tobes

The first to put head above parapet and then come over all mardy when the shooting started was authoritarian right-wing talking head Julia Hartley Brewer, airily opining “There's a fundamental problem with this Tory bullying story. No one has a clue who any of these people are or what they do or why”. Terrible, eh? A real life story intruding on the world of slebs. This did not go down well. But on she went.
I fear most voters couldn't care less - not saying that's right, just hard to engage with story about nonentities”. On being asked if she’d like to explain that to Elliott Johnson’s parents, there was a surly “Oh shut up” and silence. The idea that all the participants have to possess name recognition was bad enough, but worse was to come as the loathsome Toby Young decided to insert his ninepence worth in no style at all.
Exactly my thoughts. Not exactly page one stuff” he smirked. Easy on the “exactly”, eh Tobes? Then, just to spice things up, he started lying: “He wasn't an official, was he? Only pretended to be”. That’s about Mark Clarke, who was given the title - by the Tories - of “director”. A role he performed under the supposed supervision of Grant “Spiv” Shapps.
But Shapps is now in the firing line, so what does Tobes do? Well, look at his previous form: two years ago he was telling “@DPMcBride I see a future Tory leader in @grantshapps. You?”. No, don’t laugh. And he has been prepared to go in to bat for “Spiv” whatever the occasion: “Robust response from @grantshapps on #bbcr4today to Left-wing nut job masquerading as UN human rights inspector”. “Housing Rapporteur”, Tobes.
So another porkie, eh? But onwards and, er, onwards. There was Tobes cheering Shapps on during Question Time: “That was good from @grantshapps #bbcqt”. And lying once more: “So @grantshapps is evil Tory because he had 2nd job in 06. But @johnprescott is top bloke even though he still writes for The Mirror”. Shapps was under fire, as so often, because he had been less than honest. You know Tobes, honesty?
And talking of dishonesty, there was the infamous “Tory Bingo” graphic, where Tobes span for his hero “.@GrantShapps wasn’t responsible for the Bingo infographic but didn’t attempt to shift the blame #honourableman”. Bullshit. And he’s still at it: “Incredible, isn’t it? All I said was it wouldn’t be front page news and - lo! - I was right. Wasn’t condoning it!” No Tobes, you made no prediction. So pants on fire once more.

Belittling the issue is bad enough/ Lying about it is worse. And someone allowed this clown to run a school.


Anonymous said...

Toby young should be ashamed of himself.

SteveB said...

He may be right about one thing - Shapps as a potential party leader. Don't laugh, a few years ago you might have said that not even the Tories would go for someone that dodgy but nowadays I wouldn't be so sure, if Shapps could deliver power than morals wouldn't be an issue.

By the way, whilst on the subject of Tories attacking the BBC, I hope everyone noted yesterdays BBC announcement that they are closing the "red button" services including text news and will be reducing online output (let me guess which bits.......). Cameron finally honoring his pre-2010 deal with Murdoch now he's rid of corporal Clegg??

SimonB said...

"Bellend Belittles Bullying." What a sadly missed opportunity.

Shawlrat said...

Two thoughts : Would you send a child of hours to a school set up by this man?
Does Grant Shapps still exist?

Anonymous said...

"Tories attacking the BBC."

Said attackers couldn't have been watching "Newsnight" last night. Witchy-poo, brandishing the usual biro like it could give her some credibility - ended up almost shrieking at Livingstone over the "loony" word. (Speaking of which, I wouldn't be happy at the notion of someone with depression with a finger on the nuke button.....)

Meanwhile, TobyJug and ShappsFell are surely destined for a comedy pairing. After all, nobody takes the pair of ranting righties seriously. Well, nobody except the Bullingdon gang.