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Sunday 16 December 2012

Top Six – December 16

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I’ve got some pre-Christmas stuff to do. So there.

6 Jacintha Saldanha – Media To Blame, Say Media The tabloids all banged on about the 2Day FM hoax call. Then they turned to play the other side of the field and dumped on the hoaxers. Same old, same old.

5 EXCLUSIVE Guido Fawked – Teaboy No-Mates Newly appointed teaboy to the Guido Fawkes blog Alex Wickham pretended that commentator Owen Jones was a mate of his. Jones disagreed. Here’s why he was right to do so.

4 Mail Photo Theft Hypocrisy The Dacre attack doggies came over all righteous when fashion blogger Poppy Dinsey found her photos were being lifted and used without her knowledge or permission. This was a bit rich, given that the Mail has form for thieving photos without asking or paying up – including Ms Dinsey’s.

3 Murdoch Stateside Court Case Going unreported in the UK was a case brought by a US union and the Avon Pension Fund against Rupe and his pals over securities fraud. Murdoch’s lawyers are trying to get the case thrown out. They’ll be lucky if they do.

2 Tom Watson Vindicated – Nobody Apologises All the hacks, pundits and bloggers who accused Labour MP Tom Watson of being involved in the Alistair McAlpine naming, and asserting that his Parliamentary intervention was something to do with the North Wales care homes scandal, went quiet as it came clear that he hadn’t done anything of the sort.

1 Boris Johnson – Pants On Fire Bozza waded into the energy debate with his latest Telegraph column. Sadly, his relationship with the facts suffered significant damage in the preparation of the piece, and this points up some of the more blatant whoppers.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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