Now, the Sunday Times has done its own digging. Jim Pickard of the FT has read the story and concluded “New witnesses in Barnard Castle contradict the Cummings account”. And indeed they do: apart from Robin Lees, who has been aggressively doorstepped by the Mail on Sunday in an effort to discredit his account, there are two other witnesses.

“Rosalind Evans … says she spotted Cummings in Market Place - a partially cobbled street of shops and Barnard Castle’s main thoroughfare. She claims he was with ‘a group of people’” … "Alan Gowland … claims to have walked past Cummings on a narrow path that runs alongside the Tees, known as Scar Top walkway, in the early afternoon”. Lees claims to have seen him on The Sills, which runs parallel to the Tees.
Adding the annual event which Cummings’ wife would have been celebrating in her own way that day, Geoff Wilton observed sceptically “Man accidentally drives to beauty spot on wife’s birthday to test eyesight, and accidentally then strolls round said beauty spot further testing eyesight. It’s entirely plausible”. The Polecat has lost all credibility.
But he is gaining notoriety, and as a result, more people are becoming emboldened to put their claims of sightings and further lockdown breaches out there on social media platforms, one of these being Facebook, where one North London resident has told “It is apparently well known among certain people that he had people over during lockdown, and even more importantly that a lady (who some people think is either his mother or mother-in-law) was with him and travelled in the car up to Durham”. There is more.
“This absolutely negates all his defence re childcare. Why has this not been covered by the media?” Well, maybe it will be now: while the likes of the MoS deploy their resources to aggressively intimidating witnesses, yet more media outlets will now be following up leads. And so the Flight of the Polecat remains where Cummings and his boss, alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, don’t want it: high up the news agenda.
For such a master media manipulator, Cummings is really pretty crap. Sad, really. Enjoy your visit to Zelo Street? You can help this truly independent blog carry on talking truth to power, while retaining its sense of humour, by adding to its Just Giving page at
Interesting thing is that Polecat Dom has made many enemies over the years of his toxic work.
Many desperate Cabinet ministers now praying as the country begins the slow reopening, there is no second wave of Coronavirus.
Having made fools of them and Tory backbenchers, Polecat is going to find the knives will be very sharp for him if the revelations of his alleged further sheningans are true...
Another emperor wearing no clothes.
He's bested you lot and shown you up for what you are. Look upon his works you "liberals" and weep, oh you are!
If these allegations are true they should be reported to the police.
Lost all respect for Boris Johnson over this. The weasel should resign, he has killed the Conservative party's credibility. Nobody likes liars.
Cummings as Ozymandias, apt...
He's a dead man walking. Despised by everybody except the Kuenssbergs of the world.
Death will come by disappearing up his own arse.
Oh how we'll larf.
All this storm has nothing to do with breaking or not breaking the law. It is all about the Remainer vested interests’ final and desperate attempt to frustrate the repeated democratic mandate of the nation!
Oh shut up, you Muppet. Brexit is a whole other kettle of fish. This is life and death stuff, or would we need bodies in the street to convince you of that?
A message for Hindu nationalists: British brexiters hate you as much they hate Muslims, it's not the religion they hate really , it's the skin colour....
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