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Friday 22 May 2020

Olivia Utley - Euro Sun Hypocrite

The hack entrusted with being heed of PR for the Murdoch Sun may have some more of that creative spinning to do in order to explain her ability to face both ways on the defining political decision de nos jours - which would be Brexit. Olivia Utley was last seen standing in for the deeply unsavoury Rod “Stella” Liddle, telling the paper’s readers that those she called “Young Remainers” should make do with holidaying in the UK this year.
Olivia Utley

Sadly, it was swiftly established that her own preference in hols was anywhere but the UK. And now it’s got even worse, with news that she might not be the Brexiteer Tory that Sun readers have been led to believe, thus proving true the central idea of The Magic Christian: that some people will do anything, providing they are bunged enough money.

Of late, Ms Utley, whose Uncle Tom is a self-confessed homophobic bigot who churns out columns for the Daily Mail, has been careful to say all the right things. So while she chides others for “ticking all the right boxes”, she does just that, telling Sun readers “DOMINIC CUMMINGS is spot on” and claiming the Civil Service “knock off at 3pm on a Friday”.

She’s clearly opposed to “wokeness”, whatever that is. She approvingly citesA report from the well-respected think thank the Centre for Policy Studies” with an apparently straight face. And those Sun readers know exactly where she stands on Brexit.

What other conclusion could they reach after seeing her tell ofSmartypants Remainer MPs … they are dyed-in-the-wool Remoaners … Every single one of the desperate politicians who voted against the programme motion to set out a timetable for the bill deserves the contempt of voters. But particular fury must be reserved for Dominic Grieve and his simpering partner in crime, Justine Greening”? And there was more.
This odious pair stood as Conservatives in the 2017 General Election and said - repeatedly and on the record - that Parliament had a duty to deliver the result of the referendum. Their resolve lasted just as long as it took them to get elected, then all of a sudden they changed their minds … In any normal democracy, they would be out on their ears. But this rotten Parliament is anything but normal - or democratic”. And more.

The Surrender Act has been passed into law and the Prime Minister has been successfully strong-armed into going back to the EU with a begging bowl … Three-and-a-half years ago, Brits voted in their droves to take back control of our democracy”. Well, someone as passionate as Ms Utley couldn’t have passed up the chance to vote, right?

And, indeed, back in September 2017, Ms Utley, at that time working for the Reaction Life website, revealed to Sun readers how she had voted, “Speaking as someone who not only voted Remain but even owned a Stronger In T-shirt”. Ri-i-i-ight. She voted Remain. And for all that pro-Tory language she deploys nowadays, there was worse to come.

She also said “Being a Conservative will never be cool”. And it’s not as if she then disowned that column - she recycled its introduction for one of her recent Sun efforts.

Leaving your principles at the door was never easier. For the right money, of course.
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Rosie said...

Excellent bit of probing into the false utterances of the forked tongued Utley person. Oh ambition is a road to perdition. She faces so many ways to fawn to her Murdochian bosses, one would almost believe her capable of swivelling her neck a full 360 degrees, like the possessed girl in that horror movie, whose name temporarily escapes me. Well done Zelo Street detectives.

Anonymous said...

Utley's one of the next tranche of dead-faced corporate media goons.

Others are on the way.

Unknown said...

Jaw dropping hypocrisy from this shallow scribe.She has found her niche at a vile rag like The S* n

Anonymous said...

*"wokeness”, whatever that is...* - well it's in the dictionary, try it!