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Sunday 3 June 2012

Top Six – June 3

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, the weather’s crap this morning and the ensuing gloomy mood has temporarily drained me of originality. So there.

And we start with the first Top Six tie!

6= Dacre Takes Revenge On Blair After the visitation of the blessed Tone before the Leveson Inquiry came the pundits. At the Mail, Blair is a permanent hate figure, and so they piled in with all the abuse and innuendo they could muster short of crossing the defamation line. Dacre’s own grilling, which was rather more challenging, might not have helped the editor’s mood.

6= Fox News Declares War On Obama Not content with just cheering for the Republican Party, Fox News Channel (fair and balanced my arse) produced its own attack advert for early morning “opinion” show Fox and Friends. The presenters were very happy about it. Sadly, no-one else was.

5 Boris Right Royal Propaganda Fail London’s occasional Mayor used his Telegraph column to tell how wonderful the capital was because of the presence of Himself Personally Now. Much of the piece bore little resemblance to reality.

4 Hunt The Coulson While many were watching Jeremy Hunt getting skewered before the Leveson Inquiry, the action that could be very bad news for Young Dave was taking place 400 miles away in Glasgow, as Andy Coulson was charged with perjury – while he was Cameron’s spinmeister.

3 Guido Fawked – Expense Rail Ticket Fail The terminally clueless flannelled fool Henry Cole, tame gofer to the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines, went after Labour MP for Wigan Lisa Nandy, suggesting she had been fiddling her travel expenses, but fell flat on his face due to his total ignorance of how to book a ticket.

2 Express EU Fuel Price Fib The dwindling band of hacks at the Express tried to pull another whopper about the EU, but a little examination showed them to be doing no more than frightening their readers about something that wasn’t going to happen.

1 Boris Must Be Fancied – Or Else The smears directed against Sonia Purnell, because she had written a book about London’s occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson that was less than totally adulatory, were examined and found to be baseless. And then Iain Dale blundered into the comments and confirmed what I’d already written.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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