Wishing himself an early redundancy over
at the bear pit that is Telegraph
Blogs today is a familiar figure: step forward occasional Tory and MEP Dan,
Dan the Oratory Man. Hannan has decided to combine his flair for selective
quotation with a little propaganda selling as he makes a pitch for a new book
called The EU In A Nutshell, whose
author will be familiar to Zelo Street readers.
Daniel Hannan
That’s because the book was written by Lee Rotherham, who you can tell as he’s a Doctor. Rotherham is the EU pundit for the so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance (TPA), for whom he authored the supremely dishonest “report” Britain And The ECHR, which claimed that the latter body had cost the UK almost £43 billion over the years, a figure which was largely made up.
Much of Rotherham’s Very Big And Scary Number came from
assuming that the compensation culture was all down to the ECHR, and that over
five years this cost £25 billion. No citation of any kind, reliable or
otherwise, was provided. And he is being lauded by Hannan, whose ability to
tell the most flagrant whoppers can be seen from his appearances on Fox News
Channel (fair and balanced my arse).
Note that Hannan does not contest the claim by professional loudmouth Sean Hannity that the state of healthcare in Canada and the UK “isn’t pretty” before reeling off a series of totally untrue statements: the “State takeover of health care” and “Death panels” ones were PolitiFact’s “lie of the year” for 2010 and 2009 respectively. The NHS “cutting off funding” for drugs was another.
Add to the serial dishonesty the strange episode where
Hannan journeyed to Spain to encourage expat Brits to cast their European
Parliament (EP) votes for a fringe party called Alternativa Española, which
turned out to be run by a Franco apologist. Yes, he makes headline grabbing
speeches in the EP and at CPAC, but Hannan suffers from questionable judgment.
So when he asserts
that the Rotherham book contains “facts
and anecdotes”, this should be treated with care. In a previous
incarnation, Rotherham was at Open Europe, where he claimed a figure for EU “propaganda” that
was wildly exaggerated. He did this by taking any budget item that included
publicity, adding them all up and declaring that the result was something it
was not.
Maybe Rotherham
should remember the fictitious
volume of incorrect facts devised by the Monty Python team and change his name to Hackenthorpe. It would
hardly hurt his credibility, as he has none to start with. One could say the
same about Daniel Hannan: there’s little point in garnering adoration from a
small circle of right leaning and like minded folk, only to be ridiculed by all
Never mind, though,
the money’s good on the US chat circuit.
1 comment:
Not only does the US chat show circuit pay well, but Hannan's 2010 tour of the U.S. was sponsored by the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is in turn sponsored by all those insurance companies which make up the U.S. healthcare 'system'. It's difficult to see whether Hannan sees himself primarily as a corporate spokesman or as a member of government.
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