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Thursday 30 January 2020

The Legalballs Fund

I made a mistake.

After close to eleven years of blogging, I posted a claim that turned out not to be true - and I’m now having to pay for it. Literally.
The claim was about Kieran Mullan, who is now MP for Crewe and Nantwich. I won’t repeat it, and I have already apologised. The detail came from a usually reliable source, but on matters like this, there is no point trying to shift the blame. You publish it - you own it. End of story.

As Zelo Street regulars will know, my advice is always to own up, withdraw, and say sorry. And this I did, hoping it would close the matter. When I left for a family Christmas somewhere rather warmer and less Brexity than the UK, I thought all seemed settled.

But it turns out that this is going to cost me £16,500 that I do not have. It could have even become eye-wateringly expensive. Like losing my house expensive. But hey ho, that’s the way the law works.

That’s why I’m starting The Legalballs Fund as a way of asking all those Zelo Street regulars out there to consider helping me defer some of the financial damage.

The target is to get somewhere near that £16,500. You can donate to the fund HERE.

My heartfelt and grateful thanks in advance to all who chip in. And thanks again - for reading this far.


Anonymous said...

This makes me livid. I learned during my research of writing my book how I was a victim of a data breach involving the DVSA. It has been confirmed recently that my info was on the missing data discs.

I just have to put up with that though?


Anonymous said...

I was called a Russian Troll on this site recently. Who do I sue?

Anonymous said...

This is bad news. But nevertheless a tribute to your integrity and determination, Tim.

I will contribute. It won't be much - negligible in the scheme of things - but it's all I can afford.

I hope this doesn't stop you blogging. It wouldn't surprise me if that is the intent in this - that's the kind of country we have become.

Keep your chin up.

Anonymous said...

I believe in fairness. Your blog is pretty on the ball and as a contributor in and out, I can say it is largely kept direct. I don't always agree with everything, but there are some hilarious comments and it makes for good reading. You present evidence for your writings too – that is always a safe position. As a blogger myself, I use that approach where I can.

We are all capable of being a bit mean sometimes on the web.

The British media have just been accused of making claims about Prince Andrew which are not true in relation to an FBI interview as well as not being totally honest in what they allow to be put out (I cite some on my blog) and here you are being made an example of. Politicians lie, distort and deceive all of the time. Nothing gets done about that on the whole. Look at what Guido gets away with?
I wish you would tell us about who you have to pay the money to. Maybe we can find another way?
I can get you a royal pardon. Let's really wind up the wet ones!

You'll be Okay. Don't worry.

Thousands of EU Staff Leave NHS said...

Typical Tory. Apology is not good enough. Wants money.

Steele Shayler said...

People who talk crap should be brought to book. For sure.

Some should really know better.

Down here on the coast, we don't have to worry. Do we?

Unknown said...

Like with Private Eye in the past the courts will no doubt be used as tools to bring new media into line. This fund will probably be quite important.

Alan said...

He can't sue Bevan for "lower than vermin".

Anonymous said...

To 11:25.

That's because it's as true now as it was when Bevan said it......That is, spot on.

Malcolm Armsteen said...

Looks like the fund is going well Tim. Do keep us updated dear boy.