Welcome To Zelo Street!

This is a blog of liberal stance and independent mind

Saturday 24 December 2016

Tis The Season Once Again

And so we arrive at Christmas Eve, with the festive season, including the consumption of unfeasibly large quantities of, well, everything ready and waiting. In among all the guzzling, supping, and indeed snoozing, some may have recalled through the distant fog of mince pies and whatever falling over water we quaffed last, that the whole shebang is supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
The message that is being forgotten by all too many nowadays is that of “Peace on earth … goodwill to all men”. So full of ranting, hatred, and intolerance has today’s world become that a simple message like that has become trampled underfoot in the scramble to be given airtime and column inches, such is the world of current affairs in 2016.

Zelo Street will be taking a festive break, and, all things being equal, will be back on the air next week.

In the meantime, ignore the ranters in the press, and have a smile ready for all those whom the Fourth Estate loves to demonise: those whose first language is not English, anyone who is not white, people who do not celebrate Christmas as a festival of their own particular religion. We are all human beings. Let’s look to all get on a little better.

Have a peaceful Christmas, or whatever you choose to call this time of the year. As one of the greatest observers of the human condition once said to close his shows, Goodbye, and may your God go with you.


A.Robot (Mrs) said...

Thanks, Tim, and keep up the brilliant work.

Starbuck said...

merry christmas and have lots of fun Tim
wish you best

matt said...

Here Here!!

Have a great Christmas.

asquith said...

Merry Christmas to you Tim,

Let's have a heavy one :)